Saturday, December 31, 2016

Friday December 30, 2016

Blog time 1000 at Panera

We did not get the 2" of snow as predicted, just a light dusting.

I did all my exercise routine at home. Substituting a ten minute row for the mile run.

President Obama sends Russian diplomats home as punishment for their alleged hacking during the election. We will show them not to mess with USA.

Russia does not reciprocate. Instead invites US diplomat's families to a New Years party.

Another public relations coup for Russia.

The London papers reported that Prime Minister May criticized SOS Kerry's speech on Israel. She had strong words for the outgoing SOS.

Temps in 20s when I started out to Panera but walking into the teeth of a 17 mph wind made the walk unpleasant.

Kim came to clean and she was to take Ms P. However, a recheck of our schedule and Ms P will stay until next Wednesday.

A snafu in Nancy's order at Fresh Tyme required us to return. The snafu was corrected.

We stopped at Costco for supplies. AJ and I also bought a hot dog. Costco has good hot dogs at reasonable price.

Unloaded the Taurus and then headed to the sub post office at D&W to get a hold mail form.

Quiet afternoon at home. Missy FaceTimed us to check up on AJ's activities for the day.

For dinner we ate at Sundance. We were disappointed in our meals. They have been removed from our preferred list.

Debbie FaceTimed us. She spent Christmas at Steve's. She is now back in San Jose. Veronica and the kids are driving up on Sunday to spend several days. Steve will stay home because of work. I will call Steve next week and arrange a lunch date for next Friday.

We watched the last episode of Vera on Acorn. In the past week we have completed all episode of about four shows.

I did watch parts of the UM game. Headed to bed at 2230.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Thursday December 29, 2016

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy slept downstairs with AJ so she won't get lonely. What about me?

I had the queen bed to myself but I could not move far because the short cord on the sleep apnea machine restricted my movement.

Speaking of sleep apnea did you know that about 85% of folks with this condition were diagnosed by their sleep partner. Nancy told me that I stopped breathing when sleeping.

Got up at 0700 and headed out to the Y. It was only 36 but I had to walk into a 16 mph west wind.

Most folks must be taking the week between Christmas and New Years off because the Y was not crowded. The same can be said for Panera.

On my way home I saw the Taurus approaching. Nancy and AJ were heading to the art museum. I got in the car and joined. The GRAM had a kids workshop. AJ made a wallet and used their large chalk board to make a drawing of a dragon. We also spent some time walking around the GRAM looking at current exhibits.

The Rosa Park outdoor ice arena is now open. We watched some kids skating. AJ said she was not interested in skating outdoors.

It started snowing about 1600. We are suppose to get 2" before tomorrow morning.

Nancy is fixing spaghetti for dinner. We will read the GRP and watch some Netflix/Acorn tonight.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wednesday December 28, 2016

Blog time 1230 at home

Set the alarm for 0630:

This morning I am taking Melissa to the airport so she can makes her 1000 back to LA. AJ is staying with us until next Thursday. Nancy and I will take her back.

We left for the airport at 0815. The sun was just coming out. Looks like a good flying day.

AJ was just getting up when I got home. I took Ms P on a short walk.

This morning AJ and I had breakfast at IHOP. AJ loves their chocolate chip pancakes. I had pancakes and eggs.

Nancy headed out after we left. She is driving Mary Namey to the medical center for a MRI.

After breakfast AJ and I drove to Batteries Plus to check out my garage door opener. I needed a battery. We also stopped at Woodland Mall. I was going to buy AJ a cookie but she was not interested.

At home I put a new clamp on a leaking flexible water line under the sink. Hope it works.

Shaved and used my super duper electric hair cutter. Us old guys must keep the facial hair neat.

I asked AJ if she wanted to go to the GR Museum this afternoon and I got a negative reply. Checked the movies at Celebration and found Moana. It started at 1330. I bought two tickets online. I was able to reserve two seats. Great system !

We left at 1300 got to our seats just as the movie was starting. Good movie.

Took a short walk as soon as we got home.

Nancy did not get home until 1400. The MRI and related tests took over two hours.

1730 and I just poured us a glass of wine. We are both relaxing and reading

Light dinner tonight. Maybe some streaming TV before turning in. I just started reading the latest Jason Bourne book and so far I enjoy.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tuesday December 27, 2016

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up early and head out to the lab to get some blood work done. I was in and out of the lab in ten minutes.

Drove to the Y and did my normal Y routine.

At Panera I purchased a banana, sourdough toast and coffee.

So far I have checked my email, the headline in the London papers and the Alpena News.

Just starting the WSJ. Stay tuned!

Blog resumes 1225 Wednesday
End of year so I think most news outlets are taking a breather.

I tried to take Ms P on a walk, no luck. I took a solo 2.5 mile walk. Temps in 20s with 19 mph winds made walking into the wind brutal.

We all crashed for the rest of the day.

Ham sandwiches for dinner. We watched two shows on Netflix before turning in.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Monday December 26, 2016

Blog time 1430 at home:

We got up at 0700. I did my calisthenics and a 10' row at home. Showered, dressed and checked on AJ and Missy. They were still sleeping.

I have to get some lab work done so drove to the lab and found out they were closed.

Drove home and Nancy said it would be awhile before everyone would be up. It was still raining so I drove to Panera. Panera was empty.

I had a bowl of oatmeal, banana and coffee. Checked my email, read the news before getting a call from Nancy. AJ and Missy were up. Bought Nancy a hazelnut coffee at Panera and headed to Starbucks. Bought Missy a mocha and AJ a bacon Gouda sandwich.

At home took a quick walk. The temp was in the 50s. The gutters were full of melt water.

At noon we headed out to the movie. We planned on attending Sing. No tickets were available for either the 1225 or 1330 movie. We bought tickets to the 1525 show. We are leaving now.

Not an empty seat in the theater. AJ and I loved the movie but Missy did not.

We picked up Nancy and drove to TJ's Pizza. We ordered an extra large Hawaiian. The pizza was great.

Spent the rest of the evening in our normally unused living room. I like the living room because it is large and has enough comfortable chairs and sofa to accommodate groups greater than two.

I did watch the end of the first half of the Lions game. We were all in bed by 2200.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Sunday December 25, 2016

Blog time 1750 Christmas Day, at home:


Nancy and I slept in until 0800. Missy and AJ were still sound asleep.

We put some more presents around the tree. Nancy started making Christmas scones.

It was nearly 0930 when AJ got up. The adults had coffee and then started opening packages.

We were all blessed with bountiful Christmas.

Despite the holiday I still needed the get my thirty in so I took Ms P on a short walk followed by a solo longer walk.

We had our Christmas meal at 1430. Nancy prepared ham, mashed potatoes, green beans and dinner rolls. I opened some wine and we had a great feast.

SURPRISE! We did not turn on a TV all day.

Nancy and I fell asleep in a chair while reading. AJ played with her Christmas gifts and Missy took a nap. Great ways to relax after a filling meal.

Nancy said we had to get out of the house so we got in the Escape and headed out looking at Christmas decorations in our old neighborhood and EGR. AJ fell asleep but the rest of us enjoyed the lights.

Steve's family and Debbie FaceTimed us. They were in their car returning from seeing a Star Wars movie.

We all retired about 2200. AJ has discovered the electric sheet on her bed. A new luxury for the CA girl.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Saturday December 24, 2016

Blog time Christmas Day at 1550

December 24, Christmas Eve, the day started with temps slightly above 32 and remained there most of the day. Despite the above freezing temps we had about of one inch of new snow on the ground this morning.

Following our normal routine Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. The place was empty.

At home I grabbed my iPad and walked to Cascade Library for a chance to read the papers. Surprise the Library was empty. I did get a nice walk in.

I took a reluctant Ms P on a short walk.

We did make a short run to D&W to get some sliced chicken. Nancy will make sandwiches for me tonight and Missy and AJ when they get in later. Spent the rest of the afternoon wrapping presents and getting ready for tomorrow.

1630 we headed out to Trinity Lutheran. The church has Christmas Eve services at 1500, 1700, 1900, and 2100. We attended the 1700. Not an empty seat at the church. It was a great service and we had an opportunity to sing all the old Christmas carols.

Missy and AJ are scheduled to arrive in GR about 2250 tonight. Their flight from CHI to GR was delayed 40 minutes. We finally picked them up at midnight.

AJ was too tired to eat so she went straight to bed. Nancy followed soon after. Missy and I drank some wine and talked to 0200. A busy Christmas Eve.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Friday December 23, 2016

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Thank God it's Friday, retired folks look forward to the weekends just like working folks. I am whooped and look forward to a relaxing Christmas weekend.

Missy and AJ are coming in late tomorrow.

The temp got below freezing last night so little snow melt.

I expected the sidewalks to be slippery because of thawing yesterday and freezing last night. I was right and glad I put on my grippers.

The Y was crowded with folks and students enjoying their Christmas break.

The world is changing fast, I read today that India has overtaken the U.K. as the world's fifth largest economy. Yet the U.K. still gives India foreign aid.

The world is no longer Euro centered.

At home I tried to move a TV into the living room. I found a cable chord but after hooking up the TV found the cable chord was dead. The best laid plans of mice and men are screwed by dead cables.

I got my stuff out of the downstairs bath and moved it upstairs. Missy and AJ will now have a clean bathroom.

Nancy fixed fried egg sandwiches and black bean soup for dinner.

We watched several shows on Acorn before calling it a day.

Blast from past. In December 1965 Nancy and I were living in a furnished apartment at 875 Woodside Road in Redwood City, CA. In early December the firm I was working for folded. The owner moved to Hawaii without telling anyone. He still owed me two months pay.

Nancy was pregnant and we had no health insurance or paycheck. Nancy typed up my resume and I started knocking on doors. I knocked on a lot of doors. I started in SF and moved south.

I had spent several weeks looking with no luck. On a Friday before Christmas I was in Palo Alto in late afternoon. I was tired and ready to head home.

I remembered the name of a small firm near the Bayshore Freeway so I said one more stop.

The name of the firm was Charles McCandless. It was starting to turn dark when I walked in about 1600. I asked the receptionist if they had any openings. She said sit down and took my resume.

Fifteen minutes later a short stocky man smoking a big cigar came out. He gruffly took me into his office. He looked at my resume and asked what salary I wanted. I told him and he said to report at 0800 the Monday after Christmas. My shortest interview on record.

The stocky man was Marvin Naughein a graduate of Stanford. He played quarterback for Stanford. During WWII he was a bomber pilot flying over Germany and his plane was shot down. Marc bailed out. Marc's parents spoke German so he picked up the language. He was able to get in contact with the underground. They escorted him to the Dutch coast where he was picked up and returned to England.

I loved working for Charles McCandless. The job was a great Christmas gift for Bob and Nancy.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Thursday December 22, 2016

Blog time 1125 at Panera

The temp flatlined at 35 last night. High today will be 37. Rain tomorrow bummer. If I was King I would declare that the temp not get above 32 for the months of December, January and February. I think yo yo temps are unhealthy.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim. I bundled up, put on my grippers and walked to the Y. I did my calisthenics and mile run.

Randy our painter and part time worker at the Y introduced me to a retired Seabee, Al Berry.
Al lives in Port Hueneme, CA and retired after 20 years as a Chief Builder. Chief's are the backbone of the Seabees. He is visiting his sister who lives in GR.

We exchanged sea stories. Al was involved in the construction of a large air base in Iraq.

Nancy, daughter Debbie and my sister all graduated from Albion College. Today's WSJ had an article on how colleges in small towns with struggling economies are trying to cope. Albion seems to be making a good effort.

I think I am going to take a holiday hiatus from comments on the news.

Spent time at Panera talking with a former Seabee. This has been a Navy morning.

After a quick lunch I headed down to the office. At this time of year we write checks to our favorite charities. After finishing I walked to nearest post box.

For dinner we drove to Shepard's Grill. I had a burger and Nancy a garden burger.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight. She is heading out early tomorrow for Long Beach. She is spending Christmas with Steve's family.

Read the GRP and watched a Netflix show before turning in.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Wednesday December 21, 2016

Blog time 0930 sitting in Starbucks at Breton Village

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up at 0545 and get ready. Temps were in mid 20s when I left this morning. I am still surprised at the traffic on the interstate at,0630.

Big crowd at BC. Today I sat between two 90 year old members. Today is my old boss, Dave Despres, 90th. Yes folks both 90 year old members drove. Scary?

Today is the winter solstice. We have only nine hours of daylight. The good news the days will start getting longer. Spring can not be far away.

Walked around Breton Village and then headed to the Y for a swim.

The pool was crowded but I did get a lane. Swam 1,000 yards.

It has been cloudy all the temperature hovered around the freezing mark, 32.

I thought with the warmer weather Ms P would like a walk. No luck. I put on her jacket and started our walk but she refused to move.

I walked around the block. It is Wednesday so I emptied the waste basket and took it to the curb. In winter weather I also take our neighbor's trash to the curb.

The birds have been eating up a storm at our feeder so I had to fill it up. I put a salt block in our backyard for the deer. They have finally found it. A lot of tracks around the salt block.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

I took a short nap this afternoon. Veronica called and gave me an update on all their activities. Busy, busy, busy. Parenting is a young persons game. She told me to expect a package on Saturday.

I finished my outdoor activities with another walk around the block. I have been wearing my ice grippers on all my walks.

PE Trump got elected by voters in the Rust Belt (Great Lakes States) and yet he risks alienating them with his appointment of all the Billionaire Wall Street types to his staff.

Light dinner tonight followed by the news and Netflix/Acorn.

I got my thirty minutes in today, I hope you did too.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday December 20, 2016

Blog time 0940 at Panera:

Temps were single digits early the morning but are now rising. High winds later this morning have caused the weather folks to issue a Winter Weather Advisory until 1900 today. Wind gusts of 30 mph are predicted.

I decided that I did not want to buck the high winds and resulting low wind chills. I did my calisthenics at home, no Y today. However, I still have to get my 30 in so I did walk to Panera. Got their much earlier than normal. Surprise I saw Nancy buying a gift card when I walked in.

Checked the Alpena newspaper and the UK's Daily Mail and The Telegraph. Europe has more problems with Turkey and Russia than the US does.

I guess it is now official PE Trump has the necessary electoral votes. So much for getting electoral to change their votes. The recount also appears dead.

Wind speeds exceeded 30 mph this afternoon. After walking home fromPanera I stayed inside for the rest of the day.

For years I have been getting the weekly magazine ENR. This year I decided to get the digital edition. Easier said than done. Spent about an hour talking to tech support. Finally got my digital copy.

We have a nice blanket of snow on the ground. However, we having a warming trend coming and might lose the snow by Christmas.

For dinner we finished the beans and rice. Read the GRP and now we are watching NCIS.

Breakfast Club tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is also the 90th birthday of my old boss Dave Despres.

Speaking of tomorrow, it is the Winter Solstice, shortest day of the year. We will have nine hours of daylight.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Monday December 19, 2016

Blog time 1135 at Panera:

Up at 0630 and checked weather, it was 14 with little wind. The weather decides my routine. Today I will walk to Y and do my entire routine.

Put on my fifteen pound of clothes and headed out. Wind at my back so the walk was pleasant. I also put on my ice grippers to help with traction. The roads were all clear but the walks still have not been plowed.

Normal Monday crowd at Y. I expect more folks as soon as schools are out for the holidays.
Trudging through the snow must have tired me because my time for the mile was a very slow 10' 58".

I left the Y in bright sunshine. The walks had been plowed making walking easy.

At Panera I followed my usual routine. Ordered my coffee and a banana except today I was so hungry I bought a bagel. First I check my email and then read the headlines in the Alpena News especially the obituaries. Finally before reading the news I start my blog. Stay tuned!

I did not find any article in the WSJ that I want to comment on.

The UK still has not figured out how to leave the EU. The more I read about the EU's bureaucracies I think I would have voted to leave. You cannot blow your nose without a permit.

At home the news shows were reporting on the carnage caused by a truck running into a outdoor Christmas market in Berlin. Nancy and I have attended Christmas markets in Munich and Frankfort. They are very popular and well attended. We really enjoyed our time at the markets.

The Electoral College met today and officially made Mr Trump president. Should the Electoral College be eliminated? I really don't have an opinion.

Russian hacking is big news but why can't a nation that prides itself on its technical prowess prevent hacking or at least retaliate?

As soon as got home we got in Escape and headed out. We put a jacket on Ms P and took her with us.

First stop Trader Joe's: we bought sour dough baguette, wine, eggs and cheese. Next stop Walmart, Nancy bought fizzy water and I bought a plastic snow shovel. Walmart was jammed.

Did not eat lunch until 1500. We had a light dinner. Tonight we will watch the final episode of Goliath.

Temps will reach single digits tonight and then starting late tomorrow we will warm up.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Sunday December 18, 2016

Blog time 2125 sitting in easy chair at home:

No swim today, we get up at 0700, checked several sections of the GRP. At 0830 we head out to Trinity Lutheran. We attended the 0900 Celebration church service.

We like the Celebration service because it is so informal. They have a band that has guitar, drummer, keyboard and horn. We get a cup of coffee before the service. Jeans are the uniform of the day. Good mix of generations.

After church we head to Meijer's for gas and supplies. Meijer's was crowded.

Put the groceries away and then took the Taurus for gas.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Read a few more sections of the GRP before taking a nap.

After the nap I put my new ice grippers on the bottom of my boots and walked around the block. The grippers worked great.

At 1600 we headed out to Kathi Kothe's for her Christmas open house. The event was well attended. Kathi prepared some great food. The punch was great.

Finished the day watching Goliath on Amazon.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Saturday December 17, 2016

Blog time 1110 at Cascade Library

We got about 2 inches of snow overnight. Nancy and I walked to Panera. It was 18 degrees but no wind. Biggest problem was the roads and walks had not been plowed. We were forced to walk in the road. Luckily it was Saturday so little traffic.

Panera was nearly empty. Had our standard Saturday fare, oatmeal, bagels and coffee.

When we left Panera about a hour later the roads or walks still had not been plowed.

Nancy is doing laundry today. I have several chores to do but first I need to check up on the news. Walked to the Cascade Library. They have a pleasant reading room.

Spent some time in the afternoon running errands. At Ace Hardware bought a special clamp to fix leak under sink and a bag of salt for snow melt. Stopped at Gander Mountain and bought a pair ice grippers. The grippers attach to the bottom of my boots to improve traction when walking in snow.

For dinner we drove to Sundance. I had a wet burrito and Nancy a small salad.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight. We look forward to these Saturday night talks.

Started watching Goliath but I fell asleep. Nancy will have to bring me up to speed tomorrow night.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Friday December 16, 2016

Blog time 1135 at Panera

Another cold morning, 12, with mild wind. The cold is really bothering Ms P. Once again her rear legs seemed to become frozen. She cannot move and I had to carry her inside.

I bundled up and walked to the Y. The walks were plowed so the walk was not too much of a hassle.

I stepped on the scale at the Y and found that my clothes, boots and backpack weigh 15 pounds.

The Y was not busy this morning. Did my calisthenics and mile run. My goal in the mileew run is to complete in less than 11'.


On Friday December 14, 1962 after spending 1y,2w, 3d,13h on Midway Island Ensign RH Scott left Midway Naval Air Station aboard the afternoon log flight. We landed in Hawaii and I caught a commercial/military flight to San Francisco. I think the flight to Ca was paid by the Navy.

At SFO bought a ticket to Alpena. First stop was Chicago. At Chicago I changed into civilian clothes. Flew on North Central Airlines, purple goose, to Alpena with stops in Benton Harbor, Kalamazoo, Detroit, Saginaw.

My Mom and Dad met me at the Alpena airport. Boy was I glad to be home. It was 70 degrees when I left Midway on Friday and -17 when I got home Sunday morning. I enjoyed my several weeks at home. Right after New Years I bought a ticket to San Diego for a Navy Survival course.

Russian hacking seems to be the topic of the hour. Even the London newspapers had articles on the Russians. Seems Europe is experiencing the same problems with Russia.

I don't think Russia to be PE Trump's big problem. I would put China at the top of the list.

Kim cleaned today and the condo looks good.

Right after lunch got in the Escape and headed to The Loft in Breton Village. Nancy hinted at something she might want. I purchased said item.

Stopped at Gander Mountain and bought a pair of ice grabbers. You put the grabbers on the bottom of your snow boots for better traction in ice and snow.

Took a short nap. For dinner Nancy fixed Beans and Rice. Very good.

It has been a Netflix/Acorn evening.

Winter storm warning are up. It will snow all night with low temps in the teens. Stay tuned.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday December 15, 2016

Blog time 0925 at Panera

While taking Ms P out for the final time last night I noted that my trash can had blown over with loose trash in the street. Picked up trash and moved can back to garage. The wind was blowing 30mph with temp in single digits. Very unpleasant.

This morning the temp was 6 but with only a light wind.

Nancy headed out early for swim. BRR!

I put on my Costco snow pants and snow boots and Sears high visibility jacket. Would you call me a winter fashion plate?

I got about 1/2 way to Y when I noticed that I could not feel my nose. I had just passed Panera so I turned and headed to the warmth of Panera.

The sun is out and we have a nice blanket of new snow. My big problem being outside on these bitterly cold days is keeping my nose warm. I put a scarf around the nose but my breath steams up my glasses. Also the condensation from my breathing starts to freeze. Maybe Cabella's has a nose warmer.

The morning business news shows are still talking PE Trumps appointments and their impact on markets. We really won't know until Trump takes office.

It was reported this morning that a Professor of Journalism is worried that PE Trump will start throwing Journalists in jail. Talk about a hissy fit. I have been using the word hissy a lot lately. I just looked it up and I have been using it properly.

The disaster in Aleppo will be a big black mark on President Obama's foreign policy legacy. To do nothing to stop the slaughter is unforgivable. Enough said already!! No more comments by RHS on Aleppo.

At home I did my daily calisthenics and rowed 10 minutes. Showered and ate lunch.

Nancy after her swim took our next door neighbor, Sonya, to D&W and to a clinic to get an allergy shot. Sonya does not like to drive on snowy roads.

This afternoon Nancy and I ran errands. First stop Kohls. Nothing purchased. We spent 45 minutes at Woodland Mall. I was surprised that the Mall was not crowded. Last stop was Pet Smart to get pills to help Ms Ps joint inflammation.

Took a short nap and then we headed out to Shepard's Grill. Nancy had a salad and I had a perch sandwich. Shepard's has a nice warm atmosphere.

Watched the news, read the GRP, and we are now watching a show on Netflix.

Tomorrow will be another cold day. Low temp tonight will be 9 degrees with high tomorrow of 17.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday December 14, 2016

Blog time: 1020 at Panera

Easy Wednesday, it was 18 degrees when I took Ms P out this morning. She insisted on doing her business in a deep snow area. She got so cold that she could not move. I picked her up and carried her inside.

I did the calisthenics at 50% and rowed ten minutes. Showered, shaved, cut my hair and bundled up for the walk to Panera. Walked into the teeth of a 20 mph wind. Not a pleasant walk.

At Panera I had my standard oatmeal breakfast. I must walk home but I will spend no more time outside. I will get my thirty in but no more. Brrr!

Checked my email and read the Alpena News. Not much happening.

Morning cable news was still fixating on PE Trumps cabinet picks.

The WSJ also devoted heavy space to PE Trump.

In the world, China is mad at Trump, Turkey is mad at EU. Greece is also in trouble with EU.

Russia's involvement in the disaster in Aleppo will be a real test for the new SOS. Syria might turn out to be a disaster for Russian foreign policy.

Walked down 28th street to Macatawa Bank with the wind at my back. Winds were above 20 mph creating wind chills in single digits.

Wednesday is chore day. Laundry, trash and bill paying highlighted my afternoon activities. Is doing laundry a highlight?

Took a sort nap. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

Light dinner. We are watching Netflix and Acorn show tonight.

Temperatures will reach single digits tonight and again tomorrow night.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday December 13, 2016

Blog time: 1120 Tuesday at Panera

It was cold this morning, 21, but with little wind. Got some snow last night but it stopped before 0600.

Nancy got up at 0615 and headed out early for her swim.

I left home at 0800 and walked to the Y. The walks are still not plowed so I had to walk in the street. Little wind so the walk was quite pleasant.

The morning cable business shows were all about PE Trump's pick for Secretary of State. The guy is being condemned before his first day at work. He needs a chance to show his mettle. I think he is a better choice than our present SOS. Talk about an empty suit!

I guess the recount is over. Only Wisconsin had an official recount and Trump actually gained some votes.

Russian hacking has the news folks having a hissy fit. Hacking by one country against another is bad but we should have taken security measures. We are tech savvy aren't we?

I worry more about China hacking than Russia. China will be PE Trump's biggest challenge.

It is too cold to take Ms P on a walk. Plus the walks are not plowed.

I had lunch and then walked to Macatawa Bank to put some of Nancy's jewelry in the safe deposit box.

Nancy attended a luncheon at the MEA office. The office is within walking distance of the condo. She bundled up and said it was a pleasant walk.

Got in Escape and ran several errands. Stopped at Bill and Paul's and looked at their winter clothes. They had a nice selection but I did not find anything I really needed.

At Meijer's I bought yogurt, show laces and a gift card.

Finally the sidewalks have been plowed.

For dinner Nancy fixed liver and onions. Love liver. Read the GRP and watched NCIS and Bull.

It is going to get cold tonight, low of 15. In fact we have a major cold front moving in. Low temps in single digits for Wednesday and Thursday.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday December 12, 2016

Blog time: 1035 sitting at Panera

The snow stopped early this morning. Went out and found our drive was plowed. Surprise!

Channel 8 said over 400 school closings this morning. Nancy decided to stay home until noon when she will attend a luncheon.

Did all my calisthenics at home including a ten minute row. Showered had a quick breakfast and as I headed out noted our short condo walk had been shoveled. Last year the condo maintenance contractor had been blasted for poor snow removal. I think they got the message.

The walk to Panera was difficult. The walks had not been plowed so walking through the deep snow and into the wind was hard. I finally decided to walk in the road, even though they had not been plowed today.

The news folks are all buzzing about the Russians hacking. I don't doubt that the DNC's computers were hacked but was it the Russians?

Speaking of hacking I hope that the USA is competent enough to crack Russian computers.

Should Boeing be allowed to sell airplanes to Iran? I think so. Speaking of Boeing I was pleased to see PE Trump questioning the cost of the new presidential airplane. The cost seem exorbitant.

Continuing on the subject of airplane cost overruns I was glad to see the PE question Lockheed's cost for the F35. We should have the best war planes but someone must keep costs in check.

I really have no problem with the Exxon CEO being Secretary of State. Change is good.

Aleppo will fall. We could have stopped the disaster.

The walk home was not too bad because I had the wind at my back.

Nancy attended a luncheon today. As soon as she got home we got in Escape and headed to Costco for supplies. After Costco we stopped at the Dollar Store so Nancy could buy a bow for our Christmas Wreath.

Took a short nap and then a short walk to check on sidewalks. The walks have not been cleared off yet.

Light dinner and we are now watching the final episode of The Crown. Cold front is moving in but we are prepared.

Sunday December 11, 2016

Weekend update:

Blog time 1745 Saturday: at home watching Army/Navy game.

The Army vs Navy game is not as big a deal as it was 50 years ago.

While in the Navy we use to listened to the game over Armed Service network.

It was cold and snowing with temps in the low 20s. In fact it has been snowing for two days and continued all day.

We left home on our walk to Panera before sunrise. Boots, overcoats and wool caps were the uniform of the day.

Panera was empty when we arrived. We had our usual oatmeal and toasted bagels.

Snow intensified on our walk home.

Decided despite the weather to run some errands. Put a warm jacket on Ms P and headed to the GR Downtown Market. Nancy bought a Christmas gift.

Next stop Trader Joe's where we bought a wreath, eggs, baguette and three bottles of Two Buck.

At home I grabbed my iPad and headed to the Cascade Library. On my way I stopped at D&W to mail a package.

Read sections of Apple News and WSJ. Today I was not in the mood for serious news.

The snow and cold continued all day.

Nancy cooked some liver and onions for dinner. It was very tasty.

It was a quiet winters evening at home. Debbie did FaceTime us and we had a great talk. As I have said before I love FaceTime.

Sunday December 11, 2016: writing this section sitting near the fire at Panera on Monday the 12th.

Snowed all night but we braved the cold and headed out for our Sunday swim.

We both got our 1,000 yards in.

After the swim headed home and make a quick change and headed to Trinity Lutheran for the 1000 Rejoice service. It was an uplifting service.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine with waffles.

Too much snow to walk the dog but I did take a 1.2 mile walk in order to get my 30 in.

Short nap and then at 1530 we headed out to Moleski's for the Book Club's Christmas party.
As usual the food was good. Polish sausages, Nancy's great potato dish, salad etc. In keeping with the festive mood I even had a small dessert.

It snowed about two inches while at the party. Tom and I spent about 20 minutes getting the cars brushed off.

Kind of a white knuckle drive home, 35 mph on the freeway. At home we finished reading the GRP. No Netflix tonight.

Winter storm warnings up for the area. Most schools will be closed tomorrow.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday December 9, 2016

Blog time: 1130 at Panera

Another cold winter day with temps in the 20s all day.

Bundled up with my winter wardrobe. I started wearing long underwear and snow boots for my outside walks. I also am wearing suspenders. I am too cheap to buy smaller pants so the suspenders do the trick. Good grief long underwear and suspenders sure sign I am an old man.

Daylight hours in selected cities
Grand Rapids 9h 5m
San Jose. 9h 39m
Tucson. 10h 5m
Edinburgh. 7h 6m

John Glenn was a true American hero. I remember just before selection of the Mercury astronauts that John Glenn started running two miles a day to get his weight down. His fitness helped get him selected. I think he was the only astronaut without a BS degree.

As soon as I read about Glenn's running I started running two miles a day. I have been running ever since.

The left is having a hissy fit over PE Trump's appointment. Rollback of the burdensome regulations is in the cards.

MI 6 the head of the UK's intelligence agency warns of Russian cyberattacks.

Snowing heavy on my walk home. Grabbed Ms P and started walking. She did not want to walk so we set a record pace.

It is now 1725 and still snowing. Tonight we are going out for Mexican. We usually walk but tonight we will drive.

La Laguna is a small strip mall restaurant but they have the best Tamales in town.

Tonight will be a Netflix/Acorn evening.

Thursday December 8, 2016

Blog time: Friday Dec 9 at Panera

Snow and cold when I walked to the Y today. In fact the temps stayed in the mid 20s all day.

Did the normal routine at the Y. Both the Y and Panera play Christmas tunes all day. I like it.

Lately I have been spending more time reading the U.K. Papers on Apple News. The Brits and EU have the same problems as the USA. Populist uprising, politicians out of touch and everyone does not know the impact of either BRexit or the election of Trump.

As soon as I got home I hooked up Ms P and started walking. We covered ground rapidly, Ms P does not like being outside when wind chills are in the teens.

Finally I have no excuse for staying inside. Spent the afternoon in my office doing things that I have put off. A very productive afternoon. I even missed my nap.

At 1700 Nancy and I headed out to Houlihan's for dinner. We met Mary Namey and her daughter in law Mary Namey. Mary has some back problems and Mary flew in from Va to drive her to doctor's appointments. Great gal. We had a very enjoyable dinner. Great to get out on a cold winters night. Houlihan's was crowded for a Thursday night.

At home we started watching a episode of the Crown. I fell asleep and missed the show.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday December 7, 2016

Blog time: 1150 at Panera

The power came on at 0400. I got up and reset some clocks and alarms. Also turned on my electric blanket. Love my blanket.

Got up with alarm at 0550. Today is Breakfast Club.

Dec 7th the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Most of the guys at my BC table were in their teens on December 7, 1941. I asked several of them if they remembered and they all had a story to tell.

I was three at the time of the attack and I do not remember. However, I had a civilian employee who worked for me on Midway Island and he was at PH during the attack.

Before leaving for BC I manually opened the garage so Nancy could get her car out.

Returned home right after BC. Manually opened the garage door and tried to reconnect the latch. No luck!

Walked to the Y for a 1,000 yard swim. Every lane was occupied.

Usual fare at Panera, read the papers, the pipeline in the Dakotas is getting a lot of press. A letter to the editor in the WSJ from a North Dakota Representative gave the best explanation of the permitting process and justification for the line.

As soon as I got home took Ms P on a short walk. Short walks are necessary with wind chill today in the low 20s.

Quick lunch and then started chores.

Load of laundry, picked up bike at Ada Bike, took out trash, swept garage and finally figured out how to reset garage door opener.

Nancy worked at Gardens this afternoon. She said despite the weather the Gardens was busy.

Light dinner, read yesterday's GRP and watched an episode of The Crown. We are now watching the Blacklist.

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Temperature was in high 20s when first went out this morning.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.

Bike still in shop so I walked to the Y. The sun was out and despite 29 degrees it was a pleasant walk.

Today is the first anniversary of the Mary Free Bed Y. We are charter members. I like this Y because it is new with a great running track. Being only 1.75 miles from home is also a big plus.

We have belonged to four Ys. The first was in Redwood City, CA located several blocks from our apartment on Woodside Road. In GR we have belonged to the Westside Y, the Downtown and now MFB.

Our neighborhood is loaded with office building. Everyone has a lanyard around their neck with a name tag attached or a name tag clipped to a shirt. I never wore a name tag. Is this a product of 9/11?

I really have a problem with strict security at State and Federal office buildings. These institutions should allow free access to their constituents. I don't like being bullied by bureaucrats. It is their excuse to avoid contact with the public.

Blog resumes at 1730 sitting at dining room table in darkness. Our power has been off for about an hour.

The doom and gloomers are all a twitter after the Italian vote and the debt problems of Greece. Is the EU going to survive? I think so.

The situation in Aleppo is tragic. The US and allies could have done more. President Obama's
foreign policy legacy has taken a big hit.

Article today about big mumps breakouts on college campuses. Apparently you should get a booster shot for mumps after several years. Mumps for a young man can be very painful and have serious consequences.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a walk. Lunch and then took the Taurus for a fill up.

I started a nap when our power went off. Got out the flash lights and called CPC. They estimate power will be restore by 2100.

I was able to lift the garage door and back out the Escape. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Noto's for a neighborhood dinner. Last one of the year.

The dinner was great we keep meeting new neighbors.

The power was still not on when we got home. No TV or newspaper tonight. We headed to bed and read books on the iPads.

The power did not come on until 0400 Wednesday.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday December 5, 2016

Blog time: 1125 at Panera

33 degrees and three inches of snow on ground this morning. No bike ride today, I will take the bike in this afternoon to get snow tires put on.

Bundled up and walked through the slush and snow to the Y. It is 1.75 miles from condo to Y. Today's time for the mile run was 11'. I keep getting slower. What is a good time for 78 year old man?

I left the Y in bright sunshine. The path and roads have been plowed.

I met a neighbor at the Y who is on our Condo Association Board. He asked if I would help him evaluate some wood decks. Said yes.

PE Trump is getting some flax for talking to the President of Taiwan. Taiwan is a democratic country with 23 million citizens. China has a communist government with few personal liberties. Since when does a communist government dictate our foreign policy. PE Trump is right.

Walked home and took Ms P on a quick walk. We stuck to the sidewalks which have been plowed.

After lunch we drove to Costco for supplies. Best time to shop at Costco is Monday afternoon.

With yesterday's snow I have figured it is time to put the studded snow on the bike. Loaded up the bike and headed to Ada Bike.

Nap and a light dinner. We watched the news and are now watching "The Crown" on Netflix.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sunday December 4, 2016

Weekend update: blog started at 1100 on the 3rd, sitting in the Cascade Library.

We slept in this morning. It was cold, 33, dark and gloomy when we left at 0800. Spitting rain/snow mix. At Panera we had our usual Saturday fare. Not very busy because some of our neighbors headed to warmer climes this week.

Kim was cleaning when we got home. I grabbed my iPad and walked to the Cascade Library.

Blog continues at 1700 Sunday December 4. Sitting at dining room table drinking a Vernors ginger ale.

Checked the Alpena News, London newspapers on Apple News and the WSJ, before walking home.

Spent a quiet Saturday afternoon. Put up our small Christmas tree and other small tasks.

This evening we are attending the Holiday Pops concert put on by the GR Symphony. We met the Horlings at the Bulls Head for dinner. Pleasant dinner spent with friends.

The concert was great. We have been attending the Holiday Pops for years and we both agreed this was the best. Watched some of the Big Ten Championship game before turning in. Wisconsin was ahead when I went to bed. Because UM had beaten UW I wanted them to win.

Sunday December 4, 2016

Alarm off at 0750. Head out to Y for our Sunday swim. Dark gloomy and temps in low 30s.

Right after the swim we head home to change clothes. We attended the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran. I like this service because it is very informal and is over in exactly an hour. The Lutherans celebrate Communion every Sunday. The Methodist Church I attended only had Communion once a month. I wonder if they still do?

Catholic friends call Lutherans "Catholic Light".

Meijer's was very crowded today. Bought gas and some supplies. Gas has gone up but can't remember the price.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Watched some new and read several sections of the GRP before taking a nap.

Surprise when I woke it was snowing hard. Ms P would not go out. I put on my snow suit and took a 40 minute walk. I needed to get my 30' in despite the weather.

You know it is winter when we lose our TV signal. I grabbed a broom and swept the snow off the dish. It worked.

Beef barley soup and a hamburger for dinner. We will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 Minutes this evening. The snow will continue until midnight. Low temps in the 20s for the next week.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Friday December 2, 2016

Blog time: 2130

Really tired when I got up this morning. I did the calisthenics at home. Decided not to go to the Y but take a gentle bike ride instead.

It was another cold, dark gloomy day. Temperature was in low 30s. I was passing the Y when decided I needed to warm up. Stopped, ran a mile and took a nice hot shower. So much for planning.

Spent short time at Panera. PE Trump's transition still dominates the news.

Throughout the neighborhood lawn maintenance companies were making a last effort to pick up leaves. Good grief still working in December.

Started the afternoon running errands.

Stopped at Chow Hound and bought a new leash. At Ace Hardware I bought duct tape and bird seed.

The D&W store in Cascade is an official USPS substation so I mailed a package to CA.

Took Ms P on a walk using the new leash. The leash has only a 10' chord. Needed the shorter chord for better control when walking along the side of the road. Traffic is pretty bad.

We had soup for dinner. Barley beef with vegetables, it was great.

Watched another episode of The Crown on Netflix. Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of The Last Kingdom. Adapted from Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories. I have read most of Cornwell's books.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday November 30, 2016

Blog time: 0900

Easy Wednesday, I slept in until 0700 waited for the sunrise and then pedaled to Panera. Had an oatmeal breakfast and after reading the news I am thinking of a swim at the Y.

Some interesting items in the news.

PE Trump picks his Treasury Secretary, Steven, Mnuchin. I am not sure I like this choice. Mnuchin is Wall Street. Trump campaigned against the elites.

Demographers are reporting that in some States White deaths exceeds births. The 2020 census should provide some interesting facts regarding the makeup of the USA.

Interesting election in Italy this week. If the referendum passes the Italian senate will be changed making the legislature more efficient.

The President of South Korea is in deep trouble because of influence peddling by an associate. Looks like she will resign. Corruption is rampant. Several big corporations seem to wield tremendous power.

Finally China is rolling back some job security protections. Seems many large state owned corporations have serious money problems and need to reduce payrolls. What happened to the Communist Worker's Paradise?

Pedaled to Y and swam 1,000 yards. Every lane was filled. Took my normal bike ride home but in reverse. Temperature was in high 40s with sun.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. She was gone when I got home. Took Ms P on a nice long walk. We did see a lonely robin.

Before lunch I did a load of laundry and took out the trash and recyclables. Also got out my fifty year old suit and checked it over. Looks ok. Tomorrow Nancy and I are attending a Christmas Gala at the Gardens. Suit and tie are required. First time this year I will wear a suit and tie.

Took a short nap and now I am in my office writing thus blog. According to my watch it is now sunset, 1708.

It is that time of year when I get out the family archives and start updating the family tree. I am using a family tree software called My Heritage. They now have an app which I will download tonight.

Light dinner tonight and then some Netflix/Acorn or Amazon watching.

Tuesday November 29, 2016

Blog time: 1050 drinking coffee at Panera.

Up at 0630, Nancy heads out for her Tuesday swim and I did some calisthenics, ate breakfast and waited for the sun. Sunrise today was not until 0752 but when the sun came out it was bright. First sunny day in about a week. We now have 09h 19' of daylight heading to 9 hours on Dec 21.

The temp was in the high 40s when I headed out on the bike. Not much evaporation this time of year so I had to negotiate several large puddles.

Cascade Road is one of the busiest roads in the county but I am amazed at all the wildlife I see while biking along the Cascade trail. Today saw a small crane standing in a creek with a fish in his mouth. Also encountered a large flock of turkeys feeding near the road. Wildlife makes the ride enjoyable.

Donald Trumps impact on the economy is still the big talk on morning business shows. The election in France and upcoming election is other EU countries has business folks spooked.

I don't want to sound like a converted Catholic but I am a big fan of a diet called SOS, stop only sugar. (Available at Amazon) I have been on the diet for almost two years. I started at 162 and for over a year my weight has been at 140. It is painless. Sorry bout the preaching.

While I am still preaching I cannot say enough about my iPad and iPhone. I am a walking office. I do my banking, blog and reading on the iPad. I presently read the WSJ, ENR, GRP and Alpena News in addition to books. I can also watch Netflix and Acorn. Ain't tech great! Of course if I am hacked all the accolades are off.

Trump has got to come to grips with his business and conflicts of interest. This includes his family.

Castro denied Cubans basic freedoms. I hope civil liberties will be granted to the Cubans soon. President Obama was right to start the process of normalizing relations. Hope the PE continues.

Took Ms P on a walk and had a quick lunch. We got in the Escape and ran some errands.

First stop Breton Village. Nancy visited Talbots's and I looked in Fitzgerald's. Nothing purchased. Next stop Trader Joe's where we purchased some wine.

Took a nap. Nancy fixed a crock pot dish for dinner. It was very good.

Read the GRP and we watched the first episode of The Crown and now are watching a BBC show called Dr Foster.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday November 28, 2016

Blog time: 1100 at Panera

It was raining hard when I got up this morning but had stopped when I headed out.

Dark and gloomy on my bike ride to the Y. The rain must have been heavy because I encountered a lot of big puddles. Also encountered a large flock of turkeys. Do turkeys go south?

I expected the Y to be crowded with folks trying to work off the Thanksgiving pounds. I was wrong.

On morning shows Hillary Clinton is getting a lot of bad press for joining the recount so late in the game.

Did the BRexit signal the restless electorate. First Trump and then Fillon in France. Throw the bums out seems the battle cry.

Rain is expected later this afternoon so as soon as I got home I took Ms P on a long walk.

Finally a dark gloomy day with rain coming, the perfect excuse to stay inside.

Nancy and I spent several hours downstairs working on our computers. Nancy was purchasing gifts online.

I did some computer banking, paid bills, emptied my in basket, filled out a health survey on 23&me and paid my last installment to the IRS.

I even made a comment on Facebook and did a load of laundry.

Had a light dinner, watched the news and right now we are watching Harry on Acorn.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday November 27, 2016

Weekend Update:

Saturday November 26: Up at 0515 and we all took Debbie to the airport for her trip back to San Jose.

Drove home and then Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. We watched the sunrise at Panera.

At home we got back in the Escape and ran errands. First stop Home Depot Nancy bought an orchid.

Next was Pet Smart for some special dog food.

At Costco we picked up photos.

Final stop Walmart, nothing purchased.

Walked to Cascade Library. Sat in their comfy chairs in reading room and read the news.

Peggy Noonan wrote a great article in the WSJ, "No More Business as Usual, Mr Trump". She said PE Trump must give up his business to avoid conflict of interest. I think it is a no-brained.

What is with the recount so long after the election? If the Dems had doubts on the vote count a recount should have been started within days. Not three weeks after the election.

Immediately after the 1960 some folks were suspicious of the Chicago vote count. Nixon decided not to ask for a recount because it was so divisive.

Lunch and watched some of UM/OSU game. Bummer.

Took a nap.

Moved back into downstairs bath.

Nancy fixed soup for dinner.

Watched some Netflix before turning in.


Up at 0650 and got ready for Sunday swim. We both swam 1,000 yards.

No Meijer's today. Attended the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine with waffles.

The day was dark and gloomy. Temperatures were in the high 30s.

Ms P needed to get out of the house. We took an nearly two mile walk.
Sunday nap and then took a two mile walk. I got my 30 minutes outside.

For dinner we had hot turkey sandwiches. We have finished all the Thanksgiving food.

We will watch 60 Minutes and if time allows a Netflix show.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Friday November 25, 2016

Blog time: 1115 sitting at Panera

I keep getting alerts that today's Black Friday sales will set a record. How do they know it is only 1115 EST? Nobody made a big deal of the Friday after Thanksgiving when I was growing. I was happy no school.

I loved to play hockey. In Alpena we played outdoors. If we were lucky we could find a pond that was frozen on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Good memories.

Speaking of memories on this day in 1961 I arrived on Midway Island to begin my tour. Looking out the plane' window I saw a small speck of an island. Midway is 1300 miles west of Honolulu and 140 miles from the International Date Line. It is part of the Hawaiian chain of island but not part of the state of HI.

Slept in until 0700. No MVP for Nancy today but I got on the bike and headed to the Y. The Y had a lot of families playing basketball and other family activities.

I thought being Black Friday traffic on 28th St would be heavy. It was not. The parking lot a Meijer's was not full. Panera is also empty.

One of the big issues I have with the PE is his opposition to immigration especially from Mexico. Today's WSJ has an article on the plight of small businesses that need workers. No workers are available locally or if they are they are unwilling. These vacancies can be filled by Mexican workers. What is the downside to workers who have a work ethic, are family oriented and want their kids to get a good education? Wise up PE.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. We walked in a gentle mist. She was a reluctant walker.

Lunch and then I drove to Meijer's to pick up a prescription.

We all spent the rest of the day inside. I did get my 30 minutes in.

Left over turkey and fixing for dinner. We finished watching the Bond movie and an episode of Ms Fisher.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Thursday November 24, 2016

Blog time: 1930

Happy Thanksgiving!

It was a normal November day. Dark, gloomy and cool. I am glad Thanksgiving is in November because Thanksgiving is a happy family oriented holiday and cheers everyone up.

In my 78 years I have only spent three Thanksgiving away from family. The Navy was the reason for my absence.

My favorite Navy Thanksgiving was fifty five years ago. I had Thanksgiving meal at the BOQ at the Pearl Harbor Navy base in Hawaii. The next day I got on a plane and headed to Midway Island for my 1 year 2 week 3 day tour.

Prior to my marriage to Nancy, my family had Thanksgiving at my Grandfather Scott's farm. It was a big family gathering with at least 20 folks in attendance.

Nancy and I have shared Thanksgiving since 1965. They were all memorable.

Today we all slept in. When I did get up I did the calisthenics at 50% and rowed for 10 minutes.

Nancy spent the morning getting our Thanksgiving meal prepared. My only job was to stuff the turkey.

Took Ms P on her walk.

We sat down to our feast at 1430. It was great. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and super dressing. Finished with pumpkin pie.

I did get the car out and made a trip to Meijer's to pick up a prescription. On the way home I had to stop the car to let five deer saunter across Tahoe Drive.

Talked with Missy and AJ and later with Steve and family who are in AZ with Veronica's family.

We are now watching a James Bond movie on Amazon.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wednesday November 23, 2016

Blog time: 0910

Sitting at Starbucks in Breton Village.

Up at 0550 and got ready for Breakfast Club. It was raining and pitch black when I headed out. Luckily the temp was 33 so no snow or ice.

BC was very crowded this morning. The speaker was Rev Fetting a fellow BC member and retired pastor at Park Congregational. He talked about the first Thanksgiving. It was well received.

I will spend some time reading the news before walking over to Orvis to purchase some suspenders.

I will suspend comments on the news for the holiday.

Plan to go swimming at the Y. Debbie and I are having lunch at Yesterdog. Yesterdog is on Debbie's must list of restaurants to visit during her stay.

Purchased the suspenders at Orvis. The pool at the Y was very crowded. School was out and I think a lot of offices are closed so all these folks headed to the pool.

As soon as I got home we all piled into the Escape and headed to EASTOWN. First stop was Yesterdog. Debbie had two, I had one and Nancy had a coke. The original Yesterdog is really quite good.

Next we visited three antique stores. Nothing purchased but it was fun looking.

It rained all day so I did not take Ms P on a walk.

We had a light dinner. Debbie had chicken and noodles and I had a bowl of cereal. Nancy had toast.

We watched Goliath on Amazon, actually two episodes. We like this show.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tuesday November 22, 2016

Blog time: 2130

Nancy got us up early so she could get her swim in.

I did all the calisthenics and a row at home. No Y today.

Showered dressed and Debbie and I walked to Leo's for breakfast.

It was cold, mid 20s, when we left with bright sun.

Leo's is 0.3 miles from the condo.

Leo's has great hash browns. We had the standard eggs, toast and hashed browns. Great place and within easy walking distance.

After breakfast I grabbed my iPad and walked to Panera.

Trump still dominates the news.

I don't know who is advising Trump about dealing with the press. He had some news execs in and complained of a bad photos showing his double chins. Give me a break, now SNL will have a field day. Henry Ford had a good philosophy, Never Complain Never Explain.

Is Stephen Bannon, Trump's strategist, a loose cannon? Some of his views on immigration and trade are counter to mine.

Most of the world is confused by Trump's actions so far. He is hard to pin down which I think is good.

On my way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank to make a deposit. The nice cashier showed me how to make a deposit using my phone. So no more trips to bank to make a deposit.

Took Ms P on a walk around the block. Cool but sunny, perfect day for walk. Noted ice forming on the ponds.

For dinner tonight we drove to Shepard's Grill. I like this small cozy neighborhood pub. Good food and atmosphere.

Read the GRP and watched NCIS and Bull.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Monday November 21, 2016

Blog time; 1135 sitting in Panera.

Slept in until almost 0730. I did the at home routine had breakfast and bundled for my bike ride to the Y.

Both Nancy and Debbie were up and ready to start the day before I left.

The temp was in the high 20s when I left home. Did my calisthenics and mile run before heading to Panera.

I left Panera at noon because the place was full and they needed a table.

The President- elect is putting his team together. I just hope cooler heads will convince the PE that free trade is good for the USA and President Obama's Asian Trade Pact only needs some minor tweaking.

Immigration will be another important issue that requires early action. I don't think you can deport folks who were born in the US to illegals.

Took Ms P on a long walk. I was finishing lunch when Nancy and Debbie came home from shopping.

Debbie wanted to go to the WWW outlet store in Rockford. Got in Escape and headed to Rockford. Debbie bought several pair of Merrills.

Took a short nap. We had dinner at Russ's. We all had the chicken rice soup. Debbie and I also had a burger.

We are now watching Goliath on Amazon. We liked the first episode so we watched another.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Sunday November 20, 2016

Blog time: 1115 Monday sitting at Panera

Sunday a very busy day for Bob and Nancy. A brief summary.

0750 up and head to Y for our swim.

After swim return home to change clothes.

1000 attend the Rejoice service at Trinity Lutheran. The Rejoice service is laid back with a brass band and it is held in church basement. No written program, the hymns and prayers are projected on screen. Same homilies as formal service. They also take up a collection. I liked it Nancy wants a more formal setting.

At home had quick lunch. 1230 head to Mary Namey's to pick her up and take her to the airport. She is spending Thanksgiving with her son in Virginia.

1500 head to Nancy's friend and fellow book Club member Judith's condo. Judith is having an open house for another book Club member, Bev.

Bev is moving to Temperance, Mi.

1630 pick up Debbie at airport. Debbie is spending Thanksgiving with us. Great to see her and look forward to the next week.

We had dinner at Brann's. Debbie and I had the sizzler. I forgot how good Brann's sizzlers were.

Finished reading the papers and watched Rake on Netflix before turning in.

A really busy but enjoyable day.

Saturday November 19, 2016

Blog time, 1030, sitting in Cascade Library.

The weatherman was right. Nancy and I walked to Panera against heavy wind and blowing snow/rain mix.

Panera was nearly empty so we got a seat near the fireplace.

We had our standard Saturday morning fare for breakfast, oatmeal, bagels, banana and coffee.

Much easier walking home because the wind was at our back.

At home Nancy started the laundry and we got the downstairs bedroom ready for Debbie who arrives tomorrow. She is coming home for Thanksgiving. Apple gives their employees Thanksgiving week off.

Walked to Cascade Library and read the news.

Tried to take Ms P on a walk but too cold and windy.

Finally had a chance to sit down and clean my desk.

For the first time this year I watched the final quarter of a UM game. Next week's game will be interesting.

Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner. We watched some TV before turning in.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Friday November 18, 2016

Blog time 1100, sitting at my favorite table at Panera. Another warm sunny fall day. 64 degrees now but high temp tomorrow will be 38. Rain, finally, moves in late this afternoon.

I noted the Y was nearly empty. Is everyone deer hunting?

Speaking of deer Nancy took Ms P out yesterday and four deer ran across their path.

Today's news is still dominated by Trump's transition. Trump supporters like his selection of AG and National Security Adviser. His opponents think the selections are deplorable. I think the jury is out.

Trumps big problem might be his children and the Trump businesses. He has to eliminate any conflict of interest.

I think folks want to know what his policy towards China will be. China is the 900 pound gorilla in the room. Trade and South China Sea are major obstacles.

As soon as I got home took Ms P on her walk. Nancy had lunch with friends.

Took a short nap and then we got in the Escape and delivered an exercise ball to Mary Namey.
We stopped at Trader Joe's and bought some two buck chuck and a frozen chicken pot pie for dinner.

We watched the last episode of Agatha Raisin on Netflix.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Thursday November 17, 2016

Blog time: 1015, at Panera eating a banana and drinking milk. No coffee until my acid stomach reaches neutral.

We got up at 0630. Nancy headed to MVP for her Thursday swim.

I did all my calisthenics at home. At 0800 I got in the Escape and headed to St Mary's Lab. This morning I am having some blood tests recommended by my GP yesterday.

After the Lab I headed home and had a quick breakfast. I did spent some time cleaning up after Ms P. She had an accident. I attribute the accident to old age.

I will read the papers before getting on the bike and heading to the Y for my mile run. Will stop at Macatawa to get some money for Kim. Kim will clean tomorrow.

Trump still dominates the news.

Iraq still has not captured Mosul. Russia and Syria are still destroying Aleppo and the US and allies still do nothing.

Got on the bike and headed to the Y when I had a change of plans. Took a longer bike ride instead.

Took Ms P on a walk, showered and then had got in Escape and headed to Hobby Lobby. We bought an artificial tree and several Christmas decorations.

Lunch and then took a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked to Shepard's Grill. I had a great burger and Nancy had the bean soup. Still warm when we walked home. The Super Moon is gone. Low temp tonight will be 54. It will also be the high temp for tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday November 16, 2016

Blog time, 0930 at Panera eating an oatmeal breakfast. My bike ride to Panera was in heavy fog. I had all my bike lights ablaze.

Thank God today is my easy Wednesday. I think I am experiencing a fall let down and need to recharge.

Will head out in an hour for the Y and a swim.

I have my annual physical at 1400.

I make use of my time before the swim by catching up on the news.

The news is all about the Trump transition.

I started my swim wearing my Apple Watch. I set it on the "other" workout option. Swam two laps and noted that my arm movement must have disconnected the function. I took off the watch, dried if off and continued the swim. It is working fine.

Biked home and got ready for my Doctor's appointment.

Annual Physicals are not what they use to be. Not as much poking and prodding mostly talk. The Doc has standard questions and he puts my answers into the computer. He scheduled some blood work and sent me on my way.

It was nearly 1600 when I got home. I took Ms P on her walk.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. They were not very busy.

Light dinner, we watched the news. We are now watching "The Fall" on Netflix.

Warm spell predicted for Thursday and Friday, high 60s. Snow coming for Saturday and Sunday.

Tuesday November 15, 2016

Blog time:0930 sitting at Panera drinking milk and eating a banana.

Rearranged the schedule today because of a 1130 Doctors appointment.

Performed calisthenics at home and I rowed 10 minutes. Based on my Apple Watch 10 minutes of rowing is equivalent to a mile run.

November 15 and in Michigan this is the first day of deer season. No tracking snow today but snow is forecast for this weekend.

Started reading the news but did not get far because of Doctor appointment.

Started out in heavy fog and the fog had not burned off at 1030.

Today I am meeting with the sleep doctors assistant or more properly Physician's Assistant.

My Sleep Apena machine is connected to the internet. We reviewed my sleep record for the past month. It looks like the machine is doing its job. Next appointment is in one year.

Stopped at the Tailors and picked up my favorite raincoat. They put a new zipper on it.

Also took the Taurus for a fill up. Regular gas was below $2.00 per gallon.

Nancy had a Dental appointment today and she had some crowns installed.

Quick lunch and then a nice nap.

Took Ms P on a two mile walk. She needed the extra distance because it was such a dark gloomy day. Being outside lifts the spirits of both dog and master.

Tonight Nancy and I are headed out to Noto's for the monthly neighborhood dinner.

The get together was well attended. We spent three hours eating and conversing with neighbors. A great evening.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Monday November 14, 2016

Blog time: 1130, sitting in Panera.

It was 39 when I left this morning but another sunny day. I think we are setting a record for daily sunshine in November.

Now that the leaves are off the trees I can see houses and outbuildings that are not visible with full foliage. Some really big homes set far back from the road.

It is Monday so the Y was crowded. How come it is not as crowded on Wednesday and Friday?

I did the calisthenics and mile run.

Spent some time reading email and finishing Sunday's blog before starting on today's news.

Trump still dominates the news. The EU is worried that a populist movement like Trumps in several EU countries could upset EU stability. Most populist movements are anti immigration and anti trade.

At home I took Ms P on her daily walk. Lunch and then we all piled in the Escape and headed to Breton Village. I visited Orvis and Nancy stopped at Talbots nothing was purchased.

We stopped at Costco and bought cheerios, cheese and chips.

I am still under the weather so I took a long nap.

Light dinner and then watched the news. We are now watching Jericho on Acorn. The last episode.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sunday November 13, 2016

Blog time: 1700

Slept in until almost 0715. Drove to the Y and did some calisthenics and a mile run. No Swim today, Nancy is still in Chicago.

At Meijer's I filled the Escape up and then bought yogurt, milk and dog food.

Had a light breakfast. Attended the 1115 church service.

Took Ms P on her walk, we encountered three deer near the condo. I read several sections of the GRP. Of course I took my Sunday nap.

In about 10 minutes I am loading Ms P in the Escape and heading to Kalamazoo. Nancy's train comes in at 1900.

Stay tuned!

The ride to Kalamazoo was uneventful.

The moon was full and very bright. The weather folks call it a super moon.

Nancy's train was on time. I was surprised at the number of cars on the train, I counted at least eight. Nancy said the train was full.

We got home at 2030. Read the GRP, found out about Nancy's great weekend in Chicago. She had a great time.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Saturday November 12, 2016

Blog time: 0830, starting this blog sitting in Panera.

Normally sitting with Nancy but she is in Chicago for the weekend. It has only been two days but I am missing her.

It was 26 degrees this morning. First morning with temps in the 20s. Despite the cold we have bright sunshine. Sunshine trumps cold.

After Panera I walked over to Meijer's and picked up a prescription.

Took Ms P on a long walk. She does not mind the cold.

Nice day for a bike ride so I pumped up the tires and headed out on a short, 9 mi, but scenic route. It took me by Laraway Lake. The leaves were so thick on the path that when climbing a steep hill my back tire had trouble getting traction. The back wheel would spin.

I took a long nap. For dinner I walked to Panera for a bowl of soup.

I am now finishing reading the WSJ and looking at headlines from U.K. Papers. Donald Trump and what his impact will be dominates.

Will the Keystone Pipeline be resurrected along with coal fired plants? The Climate folks are worried but if done right they will be an economic plus.

I think the most worrisome unknown is the Trump foreign policy? Only time will tell.

Tonight I will continue watching The Last Kingdom on Netflix. The series is an adaptation from several books by English author, Bernard Cornwall. I am a big fan of Cornwall.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday November 11, 2016

Blog time: 1100 sitting in Panera.

Happy Veterans Day. Ask an old Veteran his service number and I bet 90% will rattle it off. Mine was 652654, you never forget, even after 55 years.

Another trip done memory lane. On this date, Friday November 11, 1955, I played my last high school football game. It was a home game and we played Hamtramck. Hamtramck was a small town surrounded by Detroit. It was 250 miles from Alpena. We traditionally played a home and home series.

The reason for the game was that Hamtramck had a huge Polish population as did Alpena. Kind of a pole to pole game. We won.

The highlight of the series was when we traveled to Hamtramck, in my case 1954. The bus would stop at the huge Hudson's Department store in downtown Detroit and let us out so we could ride the moving stairs, escalators. Big treat for the kids from Alpena as was staying in a hotel.

Hamtramck is no longer home to Polish folks but is a majority Muslim City.

Ms P is still confused about Nancy's absence. We have an appointment with the Vet at 1300.

Yesterday we had steady winds with velocities over 20 mph. It blew the leaves off most trees. Our beautiful colors are gone.

Started reading the papers but had to leave early because of Ms P's Vet appointment.

The Vet checked Ms P out and said she was in pretty good health. She did get a distemper shot.

I ate a quick lunch and then took a nap. Took Ms P on a short walk.

I decided that I needed some greens in my diet so I walked to Sundance. Had their Cherry Chicken Salad.

Had an opportunity to finish reading the WSJ. The entire issue was about the impact a Trump administration will have on almost everything. What a waste of time, how would anyone really know?

Nothing on regular TV so it will be a Netflix evening. I started watching a Viking series last night. I liked it but Nancy never would.

Called Nancy and she was just getting ready to attend a play. She is having a good time.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thursday November 10, 2016

Blog time: 1417

Busy day, we got up at 0630 and got ready for our trip to Kalamazoo. Today Nancy is taking the train from Kalamazoo to Chicago.

We stopped at Panera to get some bagels and coffee to take with us.

Bright sunny day so the trip was very pleasant. It has been awhile since I have been in downtown Kalamazoo but we found the station.

Nancy was told when she bought her ticket that the return trip on Sunday was full. She bought a ticket for a return to GR. The arrival time in GR was midnight Sunday. Today she got a return ticket to Kalamazoo. Arrival time in Kalamazoo is 1900.

On the way home I stopped at the Under Armor store in the discount mall and bought a cold weather tee.

At home took Ms P on a 2 mile walk. I did my calisthenics at home. Also rowed ten minutes. Showered, shaved and had lunch.

I have a 1530 Doctors appointment. I am seeing the Doc who is treating my Myasthenia Gravis.

I waited an hour for the Doctor. The up side to this delay is that I had time to read the WSJ. The entire issue was about what impact a Trump administration would have both locally and internationally.

I finished the afternoon with a 1.5 mile walk.

Light dinner and now watching the news on NPR. The rest of the evening will be a Netflix event.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday November 9, 2016

Blog time: 0850 sitting in Hall Street Bakery waiting for Mr Thanh the tailor to open.

Picking up a pair of pants I had suspender buttons put on.

Hall Street Bakery is located near our old neighborhood, Ottawa Hills. Drove past the old home on Mackinaw and it looks good.

Breakfast Club Wednesday: Up at 0545 and was totally surprised that Trump had won. Not only that: the GOP retained the Senate.

Boy the pundits sure blew it! Just like the BRexit vote.

Has the establishment lost touch with the rank and file. I sure have. I did not vote for Trump, instead I voted for Johnson.

As I have said before I am amazed at how dumb smart people are.

Breakfast Club this morning had a speaker from the Nature Conservatory. It was very interesting. I was surprised at how many acres of land had been donated to the Conservatory. Once land is in the trust it must remain wild.

Stay tuned

Stopped at Mr Thanh's and picked up my pants. Next stop Orvis to see if they had the suspenders I saw in their catalog. They did not have the suspenders and could not find them on line.

Stopped at Y and did both calisthenics and mile run.

Filled up the Escape. Gas was $ 2.19

Took Ms P on her walk. Another great day for a walk with temps in 50s.

Lunch and then took a short nap.

After nap headed to Chow Hound to buy a new Pooper Scooper.

Tonight Nancy has Book Club. I am meeting Tom Moleski at Vitales on Leonard for dinner.

I had spaghetti and Tom had a sub. Tomorrow Tom and Linda are heading to Miami for a Caribbean cruise.

It is now 1800 and we are deciding what to watch on Netflix/Acorn. Tough decision!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday November 8, 2016

Blog time: 1045 Drinking coffee at Panera.

It looks like we have a mild, 50s, cloudy day ahead of us. No rain is predicted.

Election Day, I passed three polling places on my bike ride this morning. The parking lots at all three locations were jammed. I think the only thing I can predict is a good turnout. All the pundits say it will be President Clinton tomorrow.

My first vote was in 1960 and I voted absentee because I was a student at UM. I voted for Nixon and Sam Southwell for Alpena County Surveyor.

Speaking of UM sixty years ago this fall, 1956, I started at UM. Tuition was $125. Being a small town kid from Alpena I experienced some major cultural shock.

Blog paused at 1100.

Blog resumes 1750:

Of course the election dominates the news.

The Chinese premier continues to consolidate his power. The President of Turkey is doing the same. Sometimes too much power can be a curse especially is something goes awry.

Took Ms P on her walk and then had lunch. After lunch got in the Escape and ran errands. First stop Chow Hound. Bought dry dog food and a mineral block. I put the mineral block in the back yard for the deer.

A Meijer's I picked up a prescription. Bought long sleeve tees at Costco.

Short nap and then wrote short letters to Grandkids. Walked to the mailbox and posted the letters.

Ironed five pair of khakis.

Nancy is fixing chicken, sweet potatoes and Lima beans for dinner.

Pause for dinner.

Great dinner! We watched all the election coverage until 2015 and then switched to Acorn.

We are watching Agatha Raisin. In fact we are now watching a second episode.

I remember the first Presidential election I was interested in. It was 1948 Truman vs Dewey. My parents were die hard Republicans and interested in public affairs. The Detroit Free Press had a tally sheet that one could fill in as State returns came in over the radio. No TV in 1948. Dewey had a Michigan connection. He was raised in Owosso and graduated from UM. Truman won in an upset. I fell asleep right after the polls closed so I did not get to fill out my tally sheet.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday November 7, 2016

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Great to see the sun up an hour earlier than last week. Left home at 0800 in bright sunshine.

It was 43 when I left home and now at 1040 it is 57. Still some warmth in the sun.

Clinton cleared, election tomorrow and what impact will Trump or Clinton have on the economy was all the cable business shows talked about this morning.

Ada and Cascade Twp have staked out the edge of the bike/pedestrian for their snow plows. I use the stakes to stay on the path in areas where leaves obliterate the path's edges.

Blog resumes @ 1840

It was dark at 1725: no more after dinner walks.

Today's news was mostly about tomorrow's election.

The battles for Mosul, Iraq and Raqqa, Syria looks promising for the US and their allies.

British court has made BRexit more complicated.

Nancy had another appointment to get a shot in her foot. The series of eight shots are intended to end her foot pain.

Almost 70 degrees when Ms P and I headed out for our walk. The last day temps get above 60 for awhile. Absolutely beautiful fall day. We passed a number of neighbors out enjoying the great day.

I cleaned my in basket and checked bank accounts early this afternoon.

Walked to Meijer's for a loaf of small sourdough bread. I use the small size bread to put my cheese on.

I did take a short nap. We had a light dinner and now are watching PBS evening news.

Election Eve and the candidates are jumping all over the nation.

I remember Election Eve in 1976. Jerry Ford was holding a rally in downtown GR. Nancy and I took the kids and headed downtown. I was amazed at the size of the crowd. It was enthusiastically for President Ford. I was leaning towards voting for Carter but the the crowd convinced me Jerry Ford was my man.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday November 6, 2016

Blog time: 1650, sitting at dining room table drinking a glass of Red Breast Irish whiskey.

I am glad DST has ended. Left for the Y this morning in bright sunshine.

Nancy and I wear our swimsuits on Sundays so we can get into the pool fast. I was glad we did because every lane was filled. Other folks must be doing the same.

Bob and Nancy each did our 20 laps, 1,000 yards.

No Meijer's today. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast.

We changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran for the 1115 service. Pastor Bob gave an upbeat homily today. Yes the Lutherans no longer have sermons. Bottom line the election is nasty but goodness will prevail. I liked the upbeat tone.

I really like Time magazine's front cover picture, The End is Near. Humor never hurts.

Took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk. Quick lunch and then my mandatory Sunday nap.

You know you are getting old when instead of watching the Lions in overtime you elect to go on a walk with your wife. Today was a beautiful fall day.

Speaking of weather today we have 10h46' of daylight, heading to 9h on Dec 21. It could be worse. Edinburgh, Scotland has only 8h46'.

Nancy is fixing hot dogs and clam chowder for dinner. Sounds good.

Tonight will read GRP and watch 60'. Might watch a show on Netflix/Acorn.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saturday November 5, 2016

Blog time: 1150

Nancy and I walked to Panera in complete darkness. We ate our breakfast and watched the sun come up. We walked home in bright sunshine.

In yesterday's blog I wrote about Turkish Navy civil engineers who were in my classes at UM and also at Port Hueneme, Ca. I was digging through some archives and found their names. LTJG Ozcan Ardan and LTJG Sabahattin Sagiroglu. I wonder what kind of career they had? Are they still alive? I just Googled Ozcan and got several hits. It looks like he passed away in 2005. Sabahattin has a facebook page.

Continuing down memory lane I got out my high school yearbook, 1956, and found that last night, first Friday in November, AHS played Bay City Handy in Bay City. My last out of town football game. It had snowed the night before and I remember the field was cleared just before kickoff. My Uncle Harold and Aunt Helen from Alma drove over to see the game. I was very proud that they would make the trip to see me play. We won and I had a good game as I recall.

Speaking of high school sports in the 50s, football was the only fall sport. No cross country or soccer. Alpena High was unusual in that we had a coed gymnastics team. It was very good and won the state in 56. Boy's basketball was they only HS winter sport. No sports, except gymnastics, for girls.

After Panera I took a 12 mile bike trip. Absolutely beautiful fall day.

Nancy is working the Christmas sale at Meijer's this afternoon. Because of parking problems I drove her.

Took Ms P on a two mile walk before lunch.

Nancy did the laundry this morning so I spent some time putting clothes away.

Read the WSJ and then at 1630 headed out to the Gardens to pick up Nancy. Nancy said the sale was a big success.

Nancy is fixing spaghetti for dinner. It smells great.

It looks like a Netflix/Acorn evening. I will have to remember to turn the clocks back.

Friday November 4, 2016

Blog time: 1115

Once again I am starting this blog sitting at Panera drinking coffee. Today was the latest sunrise of the year, 0820. DST ends Sunday.

It was 36 this morning so I ditched the knickers and put on the lined jeans. My 7.5 mile bike ride to the Y was in bright sunshine.

I was just starting the ride when I had a big doe run across the street in front of me. It is that time of year when the deer are moving.

The morning business shows are all guessing what the impact a Trump or Clinton victory will have on business. I really don't think it matters.

I will pause while I read some news and eat my banana.

The Alpena News report today that NE MI had their best apple crop in years. Good news because I consume a lot of apples. Also understand that we had bumper corn and wheat crops.

Turkey continues to clamp down on business leaders. Major power grab by President Erdogan. Will Turkey continue to be a good ally?

In 1960 the Turkish Navy sent a number of young officers to UM. They were classmates in the civil program. Great guys and very smart. They had visitor status at the American Legion and would invite fellow classmates to the Legion for a beer. We would spend the evening toasting the Turkish Navy.

In 1961 after OCS at Newport RI I was sent to Port Hueneme, the home of the Pacific SeaBees, for the two month Civil Engineering Corps Officer's School. I was surprised to find three of my Turkish Navy classmates also in attendance. I have a warm spot for the Turkish Navy's Civil Engineers.

Kim came today and cleaned. The house looks great.

Did not get home until 1300. Took Ms P on her walk. We then emptied all the floral boxes on the deck. Growing season is over. Also took bird seed and feeder out to deck. Bird feeding season is starting.

Late lunch and then ran errands. Filled up the Escape and then stopped at Ace Hardware and bought yard waste bags.

Took a short nap and then Nancy and I headed to Meijer's Garden. We attended a Holiday sale for members only.

We had dinner at the small Mexican restaurant, La Laguna, near Shepard's Grill. They have great Tamales.

We are now watching Broadchurch on Netflix. Actually we are watching it for the second time. We did not realize it until the show was almost over.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday November 3, 2016

Blog time: 1055, sitting at Panera

How about them Cubs! Went to bed around 5th inning, woke up and saw the game was tied and in a rain delay. Checked at 2 and saw the Cubs had won.

Heavy rain yesterday and last night filled every pond and depression. Noted on my bike ride to the Y that all the small streams I pass were running full. The rain also brought down a lot of leaves. The path was covered with wet leaves making it very slippery.

Nancy did not go swimming this morning because she has a Dentist appointment. She has to have some major dental work done.

November 3 and I am still wearing my knickers. We have had a warm fall.

The morning business shows have been talking about the difficulty retailers and delivery services have been having getting seasonal workers. I went to the mall several days ago and Help Wanted signs were everywhere. The industrial plants in GR have also been hiring.

Time to break: news reading time

Trivia fact, growing up I never knew a man with a first name of Scott.

The Law of Unintended Consequences rears its head. The Feds have turned the screws so tight on conventional banks that they are reluctant to give mortgages to folks with less than perfect credit ratings. Non banks like Quicken Loans now provide over 50% of all mortgages.

The Federal Government should keep its nose out of the economy.

When Nancy and I bought our home the rates were so high that we purchased the home using a Land Contract. I don't think Land Contracts are used much anymore.

Is their a more incompetent government in the world than Venezuela?

After Panera took Ms P on her daily walk.

This afternoon we ran ran errands.

Stopped at Macatawa to get money for Kim. She is cleaning tomorrow.

Dropped off Nancy's absentee ballot at the Cascade Twp office. The clerk told me that this election has the most absentee ballots she has seen in 20 years.

Stopped at Sam's Club to check out the store. Gas today was $1.96. We checked some prices of popular items at Sam's to compare with Costco's price.

Next stop Costco. Gas was same price as Sam's. In fact Jif peanut butter, Cetaphil lotion, Aveeno lotion and Cheerios were the same price.

Took a short nap and then we headed out to a Shepard's Grill for dinner. Shepard's Grill was jammed. It is a popular local restaurant. We saw several neighbors. Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had their lake perch sandwich. Love their perch sandwich!

We are now watching The Fall on Netflix.

Five more days till sanity returns. I hope!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday November 2, 2016

Blog time: 0845

Easy Wednesday, did calisthenics at home, 50%, and headed out to Panera for breakfast. Sun did not rise until 0818 so I left home in complete darkness. I have a built in head light and a rear light on my rack plus a light on my backpack. I put them all on blinking mode.

The warm weather continues. It was 58 when left home. My phone said no rain until noon but it has been updated and the rain is suppose to start any minute now.

Today I will fill out my ballot. This will be Presidential election 15 for me. Kennedy/Nixon was my first. I have never worried so much about my vote for President.

I regretted one vote and that was my vote for LBJ. I thought he would keep us out of Vietnam. Was I ever wrong!

Stay tuned, I will take a break to read the news.

The big pipeline explosion in Alabama is suppose to impact gas prices along the east coast. The line is over 5,000 miles long and the main supplier of gas to the east. I checked gas prices in GR today and they were $2.09.

President is trying to restart the Asian Trade Pact. I am a free trader and hope it is passed. However, Trump and Clinton favor protectionism.

After Panera took a 12 mile bike ride. Rain was imminent so I took Ms P on a quick walk.

1300 and it started to rain hard. Quick lunch and then I filled out my absentee ballot. It was a very long ballot.

Got in Escape and ran errands. First stop Cascade Twp offices to drop off ballot. Next the tailors to pick up pants. I had suspender buttons sewn on.

Stopped at ACE Hardware and bought bird seed. It is that time of year where we start feeding the birds.

Speaking of birds I have not seen a Robin since late September. Early departure for warm climates?

Nancy came home early from the Gardens because of the rain.

Took a nap and then a walk around the block.

Light dinner, watched the news and now are watching a Scotland Yard, Inspector Jericho, show on Acorn.

It is that time of year when the weather makes it difficult to get out side. Remember that for good health getting outside for only 30 minutes should be first on your daily agenda.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday November 1, 2016

Blog time: 1040 sitting at Panera.

What a difference a day makes. This morning was 20 degrees warmer than yesterday. Out with the lined pants and in with the knickers.

I left at 0815 several minutes before sunrise but I had all the bike lights working. We had some light showers last night. But arrived at the Y in bright sunshine.

Lately the bananas I get each morning have rotted sections even though the exterior looks good. No more bananas. I think I have read of a blight that is damaging the banana crop.

Only one more week of the insane electioneering. Enough!!

Time out while I read the news.

The business news folk are all a twitter with the Feds upcoming meeting. Why?

China, Russia and Turkey are all clamping down on press freedom. Turkey should be worrisome for the US and NATO since they are suppose to be an ally.

I did not know that the Catholic Church in China is controlled by the government. The government appoints Bishops and other officials. Freedom of religion?

We should appreciate our freedoms.

News Alert! Two weeks until the start of Deer Hunting season. In the 50s it was the policy of AHS to give boys three days of excused absences for hunting. Sorry girls?

Took Ms P on a nice long walk. Nice sunny day for a walk. Temps got to 71.

After lunch got in the Escape and ran errands. Stopped at World Market and bought four bottles of Three Girls wine. This wine was recommended by a wine buyer for a World Market store in Ventura, Ca. We met him on our recent trip to the Rockies.

Bought a Map of Chicago for Nancy. She is visiting Chicago in a couple of weeks.

I did take a short nap. Nancy and I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

For dinner Nancy cooked a crock pot apple and pork dish. It was great.

Watched the news, read the GRP and we are now watching NCIS.