Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday December 15, 2016

Blog time 0925 at Panera

While taking Ms P out for the final time last night I noted that my trash can had blown over with loose trash in the street. Picked up trash and moved can back to garage. The wind was blowing 30mph with temp in single digits. Very unpleasant.

This morning the temp was 6 but with only a light wind.

Nancy headed out early for swim. BRR!

I put on my Costco snow pants and snow boots and Sears high visibility jacket. Would you call me a winter fashion plate?

I got about 1/2 way to Y when I noticed that I could not feel my nose. I had just passed Panera so I turned and headed to the warmth of Panera.

The sun is out and we have a nice blanket of new snow. My big problem being outside on these bitterly cold days is keeping my nose warm. I put a scarf around the nose but my breath steams up my glasses. Also the condensation from my breathing starts to freeze. Maybe Cabella's has a nose warmer.

The morning business news shows are still talking PE Trumps appointments and their impact on markets. We really won't know until Trump takes office.

It was reported this morning that a Professor of Journalism is worried that PE Trump will start throwing Journalists in jail. Talk about a hissy fit. I have been using the word hissy a lot lately. I just looked it up and I have been using it properly.

The disaster in Aleppo will be a big black mark on President Obama's foreign policy legacy. To do nothing to stop the slaughter is unforgivable. Enough said already!! No more comments by RHS on Aleppo.

At home I did my daily calisthenics and rowed 10 minutes. Showered and ate lunch.

Nancy after her swim took our next door neighbor, Sonya, to D&W and to a clinic to get an allergy shot. Sonya does not like to drive on snowy roads.

This afternoon Nancy and I ran errands. First stop Kohls. Nothing purchased. We spent 45 minutes at Woodland Mall. I was surprised that the Mall was not crowded. Last stop was Pet Smart to get pills to help Ms Ps joint inflammation.

Took a short nap and then we headed out to Shepard's Grill. Nancy had a salad and I had a perch sandwich. Shepard's has a nice warm atmosphere.

Watched the news, read the GRP, and we are now watching a show on Netflix.

Tomorrow will be another cold day. Low temp tonight will be 9 degrees with high tomorrow of 17.

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