Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Monday December 19, 2016

Blog time 1135 at Panera:

Up at 0630 and checked weather, it was 14 with little wind. The weather decides my routine. Today I will walk to Y and do my entire routine.

Put on my fifteen pound of clothes and headed out. Wind at my back so the walk was pleasant. I also put on my ice grippers to help with traction. The roads were all clear but the walks still have not been plowed.

Normal Monday crowd at Y. I expect more folks as soon as schools are out for the holidays.
Trudging through the snow must have tired me because my time for the mile was a very slow 10' 58".

I left the Y in bright sunshine. The walks had been plowed making walking easy.

At Panera I followed my usual routine. Ordered my coffee and a banana except today I was so hungry I bought a bagel. First I check my email and then read the headlines in the Alpena News especially the obituaries. Finally before reading the news I start my blog. Stay tuned!

I did not find any article in the WSJ that I want to comment on.

The UK still has not figured out how to leave the EU. The more I read about the EU's bureaucracies I think I would have voted to leave. You cannot blow your nose without a permit.

At home the news shows were reporting on the carnage caused by a truck running into a outdoor Christmas market in Berlin. Nancy and I have attended Christmas markets in Munich and Frankfort. They are very popular and well attended. We really enjoyed our time at the markets.

The Electoral College met today and officially made Mr Trump president. Should the Electoral College be eliminated? I really don't have an opinion.

Russian hacking is big news but why can't a nation that prides itself on its technical prowess prevent hacking or at least retaliate?

As soon as got home we got in Escape and headed out. We put a jacket on Ms P and took her with us.

First stop Trader Joe's: we bought sour dough baguette, wine, eggs and cheese. Next stop Walmart, Nancy bought fizzy water and I bought a plastic snow shovel. Walmart was jammed.

Did not eat lunch until 1500. We had a light dinner. Tonight we will watch the final episode of Goliath.

Temps will reach single digits tonight and then starting late tomorrow we will warm up.

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