Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday December 20, 2016

Blog time 0940 at Panera:

Temps were single digits early the morning but are now rising. High winds later this morning have caused the weather folks to issue a Winter Weather Advisory until 1900 today. Wind gusts of 30 mph are predicted.

I decided that I did not want to buck the high winds and resulting low wind chills. I did my calisthenics at home, no Y today. However, I still have to get my 30 in so I did walk to Panera. Got their much earlier than normal. Surprise I saw Nancy buying a gift card when I walked in.

Checked the Alpena newspaper and the UK's Daily Mail and The Telegraph. Europe has more problems with Turkey and Russia than the US does.

I guess it is now official PE Trump has the necessary electoral votes. So much for getting electoral to change their votes. The recount also appears dead.

Wind speeds exceeded 30 mph this afternoon. After walking home fromPanera I stayed inside for the rest of the day.

For years I have been getting the weekly magazine ENR. This year I decided to get the digital edition. Easier said than done. Spent about an hour talking to tech support. Finally got my digital copy.

We have a nice blanket of snow on the ground. However, we having a warming trend coming and might lose the snow by Christmas.

For dinner we finished the beans and rice. Read the GRP and now we are watching NCIS.

Breakfast Club tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is also the 90th birthday of my old boss Dave Despres.

Speaking of tomorrow, it is the Winter Solstice, shortest day of the year. We will have nine hours of daylight.

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