Saturday, December 3, 2016

Friday December 2, 2016

Blog time: 2130

Really tired when I got up this morning. I did the calisthenics at home. Decided not to go to the Y but take a gentle bike ride instead.

It was another cold, dark gloomy day. Temperature was in low 30s. I was passing the Y when decided I needed to warm up. Stopped, ran a mile and took a nice hot shower. So much for planning.

Spent short time at Panera. PE Trump's transition still dominates the news.

Throughout the neighborhood lawn maintenance companies were making a last effort to pick up leaves. Good grief still working in December.

Started the afternoon running errands.

Stopped at Chow Hound and bought a new leash. At Ace Hardware I bought duct tape and bird seed.

The D&W store in Cascade is an official USPS substation so I mailed a package to CA.

Took Ms P on a walk using the new leash. The leash has only a 10' chord. Needed the shorter chord for better control when walking along the side of the road. Traffic is pretty bad.

We had soup for dinner. Barley beef with vegetables, it was great.

Watched another episode of The Crown on Netflix. Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of The Last Kingdom. Adapted from Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories. I have read most of Cornwell's books.

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