Monday, December 12, 2016

Sunday December 11, 2016

Weekend update:

Blog time 1745 Saturday: at home watching Army/Navy game.

The Army vs Navy game is not as big a deal as it was 50 years ago.

While in the Navy we use to listened to the game over Armed Service network.

It was cold and snowing with temps in the low 20s. In fact it has been snowing for two days and continued all day.

We left home on our walk to Panera before sunrise. Boots, overcoats and wool caps were the uniform of the day.

Panera was empty when we arrived. We had our usual oatmeal and toasted bagels.

Snow intensified on our walk home.

Decided despite the weather to run some errands. Put a warm jacket on Ms P and headed to the GR Downtown Market. Nancy bought a Christmas gift.

Next stop Trader Joe's where we bought a wreath, eggs, baguette and three bottles of Two Buck.

At home I grabbed my iPad and headed to the Cascade Library. On my way I stopped at D&W to mail a package.

Read sections of Apple News and WSJ. Today I was not in the mood for serious news.

The snow and cold continued all day.

Nancy cooked some liver and onions for dinner. It was very tasty.

It was a quiet winters evening at home. Debbie did FaceTime us and we had a great talk. As I have said before I love FaceTime.

Sunday December 11, 2016: writing this section sitting near the fire at Panera on Monday the 12th.

Snowed all night but we braved the cold and headed out for our Sunday swim.

We both got our 1,000 yards in.

After the swim headed home and make a quick change and headed to Trinity Lutheran for the 1000 Rejoice service. It was an uplifting service.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine with waffles.

Too much snow to walk the dog but I did take a 1.2 mile walk in order to get my 30 in.

Short nap and then at 1530 we headed out to Moleski's for the Book Club's Christmas party.
As usual the food was good. Polish sausages, Nancy's great potato dish, salad etc. In keeping with the festive mood I even had a small dessert.

It snowed about two inches while at the party. Tom and I spent about 20 minutes getting the cars brushed off.

Kind of a white knuckle drive home, 35 mph on the freeway. At home we finished reading the GRP. No Netflix tonight.

Winter storm warnings up for the area. Most schools will be closed tomorrow.

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