Friday, December 23, 2016

Thursday December 22, 2016

Blog time 1125 at Panera

The temp flatlined at 35 last night. High today will be 37. Rain tomorrow bummer. If I was King I would declare that the temp not get above 32 for the months of December, January and February. I think yo yo temps are unhealthy.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim. I bundled up, put on my grippers and walked to the Y. I did my calisthenics and mile run.

Randy our painter and part time worker at the Y introduced me to a retired Seabee, Al Berry.
Al lives in Port Hueneme, CA and retired after 20 years as a Chief Builder. Chief's are the backbone of the Seabees. He is visiting his sister who lives in GR.

We exchanged sea stories. Al was involved in the construction of a large air base in Iraq.

Nancy, daughter Debbie and my sister all graduated from Albion College. Today's WSJ had an article on how colleges in small towns with struggling economies are trying to cope. Albion seems to be making a good effort.

I think I am going to take a holiday hiatus from comments on the news.

Spent time at Panera talking with a former Seabee. This has been a Navy morning.

After a quick lunch I headed down to the office. At this time of year we write checks to our favorite charities. After finishing I walked to nearest post box.

For dinner we drove to Shepard's Grill. I had a burger and Nancy a garden burger.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight. She is heading out early tomorrow for Long Beach. She is spending Christmas with Steve's family.

Read the GRP and watched a Netflix show before turning in.

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