Friday, December 30, 2016

Thursday December 29, 2016

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy slept downstairs with AJ so she won't get lonely. What about me?

I had the queen bed to myself but I could not move far because the short cord on the sleep apnea machine restricted my movement.

Speaking of sleep apnea did you know that about 85% of folks with this condition were diagnosed by their sleep partner. Nancy told me that I stopped breathing when sleeping.

Got up at 0700 and headed out to the Y. It was only 36 but I had to walk into a 16 mph west wind.

Most folks must be taking the week between Christmas and New Years off because the Y was not crowded. The same can be said for Panera.

On my way home I saw the Taurus approaching. Nancy and AJ were heading to the art museum. I got in the car and joined. The GRAM had a kids workshop. AJ made a wallet and used their large chalk board to make a drawing of a dragon. We also spent some time walking around the GRAM looking at current exhibits.

The Rosa Park outdoor ice arena is now open. We watched some kids skating. AJ said she was not interested in skating outdoors.

It started snowing about 1600. We are suppose to get 2" before tomorrow morning.

Nancy is fixing spaghetti for dinner. We will read the GRP and watch some Netflix/Acorn tonight.

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