Saturday, December 17, 2016

Friday December 16, 2016

Blog time 1135 at Panera

Another cold morning, 12, with mild wind. The cold is really bothering Ms P. Once again her rear legs seemed to become frozen. She cannot move and I had to carry her inside.

I bundled up and walked to the Y. The walks were plowed so the walk was not too much of a hassle.

I stepped on the scale at the Y and found that my clothes, boots and backpack weigh 15 pounds.

The Y was not busy this morning. Did my calisthenics and mile run. My goal in the mileew run is to complete in less than 11'.


On Friday December 14, 1962 after spending 1y,2w, 3d,13h on Midway Island Ensign RH Scott left Midway Naval Air Station aboard the afternoon log flight. We landed in Hawaii and I caught a commercial/military flight to San Francisco. I think the flight to Ca was paid by the Navy.

At SFO bought a ticket to Alpena. First stop was Chicago. At Chicago I changed into civilian clothes. Flew on North Central Airlines, purple goose, to Alpena with stops in Benton Harbor, Kalamazoo, Detroit, Saginaw.

My Mom and Dad met me at the Alpena airport. Boy was I glad to be home. It was 70 degrees when I left Midway on Friday and -17 when I got home Sunday morning. I enjoyed my several weeks at home. Right after New Years I bought a ticket to San Diego for a Navy Survival course.

Russian hacking seems to be the topic of the hour. Even the London newspapers had articles on the Russians. Seems Europe is experiencing the same problems with Russia.

I don't think Russia to be PE Trump's big problem. I would put China at the top of the list.

Kim cleaned today and the condo looks good.

Right after lunch got in the Escape and headed to The Loft in Breton Village. Nancy hinted at something she might want. I purchased said item.

Stopped at Gander Mountain and bought a pair of ice grabbers. You put the grabbers on the bottom of your snow boots for better traction in ice and snow.

Took a short nap. For dinner Nancy fixed Beans and Rice. Very good.

It has been a Netflix/Acorn evening.

Winter storm warning are up. It will snow all night with low temps in the teens. Stay tuned.

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