Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sunday December 4, 2016

Weekend update: blog started at 1100 on the 3rd, sitting in the Cascade Library.

We slept in this morning. It was cold, 33, dark and gloomy when we left at 0800. Spitting rain/snow mix. At Panera we had our usual Saturday fare. Not very busy because some of our neighbors headed to warmer climes this week.

Kim was cleaning when we got home. I grabbed my iPad and walked to the Cascade Library.

Blog continues at 1700 Sunday December 4. Sitting at dining room table drinking a Vernors ginger ale.

Checked the Alpena News, London newspapers on Apple News and the WSJ, before walking home.

Spent a quiet Saturday afternoon. Put up our small Christmas tree and other small tasks.

This evening we are attending the Holiday Pops concert put on by the GR Symphony. We met the Horlings at the Bulls Head for dinner. Pleasant dinner spent with friends.

The concert was great. We have been attending the Holiday Pops for years and we both agreed this was the best. Watched some of the Big Ten Championship game before turning in. Wisconsin was ahead when I went to bed. Because UM had beaten UW I wanted them to win.

Sunday December 4, 2016

Alarm off at 0750. Head out to Y for our Sunday swim. Dark gloomy and temps in low 30s.

Right after the swim we head home to change clothes. We attended the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran. I like this service because it is very informal and is over in exactly an hour. The Lutherans celebrate Communion every Sunday. The Methodist Church I attended only had Communion once a month. I wonder if they still do?

Catholic friends call Lutherans "Catholic Light".

Meijer's was very crowded today. Bought gas and some supplies. Gas has gone up but can't remember the price.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Watched some new and read several sections of the GRP before taking a nap.

Surprise when I woke it was snowing hard. Ms P would not go out. I put on my snow suit and took a 40 minute walk. I needed to get my 30' in despite the weather.

You know it is winter when we lose our TV signal. I grabbed a broom and swept the snow off the dish. It worked.

Beef barley soup and a hamburger for dinner. We will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 Minutes this evening. The snow will continue until midnight. Low temps in the 20s for the next week.

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