Saturday, December 31, 2016

Friday December 30, 2016

Blog time 1000 at Panera

We did not get the 2" of snow as predicted, just a light dusting.

I did all my exercise routine at home. Substituting a ten minute row for the mile run.

President Obama sends Russian diplomats home as punishment for their alleged hacking during the election. We will show them not to mess with USA.

Russia does not reciprocate. Instead invites US diplomat's families to a New Years party.

Another public relations coup for Russia.

The London papers reported that Prime Minister May criticized SOS Kerry's speech on Israel. She had strong words for the outgoing SOS.

Temps in 20s when I started out to Panera but walking into the teeth of a 17 mph wind made the walk unpleasant.

Kim came to clean and she was to take Ms P. However, a recheck of our schedule and Ms P will stay until next Wednesday.

A snafu in Nancy's order at Fresh Tyme required us to return. The snafu was corrected.

We stopped at Costco for supplies. AJ and I also bought a hot dog. Costco has good hot dogs at reasonable price.

Unloaded the Taurus and then headed to the sub post office at D&W to get a hold mail form.

Quiet afternoon at home. Missy FaceTimed us to check up on AJ's activities for the day.

For dinner we ate at Sundance. We were disappointed in our meals. They have been removed from our preferred list.

Debbie FaceTimed us. She spent Christmas at Steve's. She is now back in San Jose. Veronica and the kids are driving up on Sunday to spend several days. Steve will stay home because of work. I will call Steve next week and arrange a lunch date for next Friday.

We watched the last episode of Vera on Acorn. In the past week we have completed all episode of about four shows.

I did watch parts of the UM game. Headed to bed at 2230.

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