Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Monday January 2, 2017

Year end update:

Took the weekend off so here is a brief update:

Saturday December 31:

New Years Eve day started slowly. Nancy and AJ slept in. I walked to Panera. Had my oatmeal breakfast and read the papers.

This afternoon AJ and I saw the movie Trolls. We both liked it. I was surprised that the theater was empty.

I did take several short walks.

We had a quiet meal at home. Watched some of the UM/FSU game. We started watching a British MI 5 spy series on Amazon. The show was originally shown on PBS. The first episode was good.

We were all in bed by 2200. Old folks do not stay up for the New Year. I have already seen 78 so no big deal.

Sunday January 1, 2017, I wonder how many times I will get the year wrong before it finally sinks in.

We all slept in. Our first business of the New Year was to head to Meijer's for supplies. I filled the Escape up. Can't remember the price of gas. Nancy bought AJ a low cal chocolate donut.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. It was great.

I took a walk followed by a short nap.

At 1530 we headed to Kathi Kothe house for a New Year's meal. Kathi's brother John was also in attendance.

Kathi fixed a feast for all. After the meal we sat around the table and talked for several hours. AJ was on her best behavior. Nancy was very proud.

At home I watched some of the first half of the Lions/Packers game. Went to bed thinking the Lions could pull it off.

Monday January 2, 2017:

Nancy completed her week's hiatus from MVP. This morning she headed out to attend an exercise class.

I stayed home and did my calisthenics (80%) and ten minute row. Showered and waited for AJ to get up. She was up by 0900 but did not want breakfast.

Nancy got home at 0930 and first thing AJ wanted was breakfast. What does Grandma have that I don't.

Walked to Panera for coffee and chance to read papers. Today is a holiday so mostly fluff in papers.

It was a bright sunny day with no wind and temps in mid 30s. Took Ms P on an extra long walk.

This afternoon I took AJ to a bouncy house. Trampolines everywhere but AJ without a friend did not have many opportunities to partake. We only stayed a short time.

I did watch some of the Cotton Bowl. Wisconsin was one of the few bright spots for the Big Ten.

We had a light dinner. Continued watching the British Spy show on Amazon.

It looks like the mild weather will continue through Tuesday and then we return to normal January temps.

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