Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday January 26, 2017

Blog time 1045 sitting at Panera drinking coffee

Walked out this morning and was hit in the face by a snow/rain mix. The temperature was 33 and wind speed near 20 mph. I did not look forward to walking nearly two miles to the Y.

I did my entire routine at home. Had breakfast and then walked to Panera. Tonight the temperature will finally get below freezing. We have had a very long January thaw.

For the first time in my life I am being to think January in a warm clime is not all bad. Maybe next year.

Observations from Panera: why would anyone want to put anything into a cup of coffee. Real coffee drinkers drink their brew black. However, I have noted that the majority of folks at Panera add some disgusting products to their morning coffee. Milk, half and half and skim milk are the most popular. Panera also sets out squeeze bottles of honey and a lot of folks put it in the brew. Ugg!

As I have mentioned many times I enjoy reading the headlines in the UK papers, the Telegraph and Mail. The Mail is especially fun to read because of their trashy stories. The Telegraph is more serious.

This morning the Mail published a memo that Piers Morgan wrote to PM May. He outlined how the PM should deal with our weird POTUS. It is very good and I recommend it.

Does anybody under the age of 50 know what a telegraph is or Morse Code? A lot of my childhood friends learned Morse code.

I love my Logitech keyboard for my iPad. It is great. The best class I had in high school was typing. I have used it every day since I bought my first computer in 1983. I should mention the only D I got in HS was in typing.

I read most of the WSJ but found no article I want to comment on. Our President seems to be sucking all the oxygen out of the news.

As soon as I got home we all got in the Escape and drove to Costco. We replenished our bread, peanut butter and cheerios supply. I also bought a year's supply of razor blades. Costco was not busy.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on a short walk. I had just started reading the GRP when I fell asleep. Nancy woke me and said take a nap. I complied.

For dinner we drove to Shepard's Grill. I like this place maybe because most of the customers get social security. I had the lake perch sandwich and Nancy had a bowl of navy bean soup.

Nancy visited the dentist this morning and was told she needs a crown. We seem to be slowly falling apart.

Tonight will be a Netflix/Acorn viewing evening.
The temperature tonight will be below 32, finally. I did my 30 minutes outside today, did you?

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