Saturday, January 28, 2017

Friday January 27, 2017

Blog time 1130, sitting at Panera.

It's Back! Winter returned last night. Temps got below 32. It was 29, snowing lightly and windy when I left for my walk to the Y.

The walk was unpleasant because I walked into the teeth of a 20 mph wind. I experience pain in my left eye walking into the wind on these cold days. The left eye was the eye I had Shingles in.

Nancy left early because she had to get to St Mary's Hospital before 0830. She is getting a shot in her foot. I think the shot inserts a tracking fluid in her foot. Nancy returns this afternoon for a bone scan. Nancy has been having pain in her foot probably caused by a damaged nerve. The bone scan will determine if she might have a hair line fracture.

Winter wildlife update: the geese are gone from the big pond near our condo. I still see geese but not on the pond.

Late afternoons we have noticed five deer in our backyard. First time we have sighted deer since late summer.

The birds have abandoned our feeder. Where have they gone?

This morning I noticed a muskrat swimming in the above mentioned pond.

Not much hard news in the London papers this morning. The Daily Mail did have some interesting trashy stories.

Why politicians hate papers. UK PM May is visiting the USA. She has a head cold so the Telegraph ran a photo showing the PM experiencing post nasal drip. Poor taste!

The President and Mexico's President are involved in a silly spat. Just sit down and talk guys.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her daily walk. We altered our walk to avoid walking into the wind. During the thaw all of the ponds in our area lost their ice cover. Noted today that a thin skim of ice is developing on all ponds.

Nancy had her bone scan this afternoon. She said the entire process was painless.

I fell asleep again in my easy chair. Nancy woke me up and said take a nap. Once again I complied.

I ironed several pair of khakis. Also put suspender buttons on a pair of khakis. I use Bachelor Buttons.

I think I have finally gotten my digital subscription to ENR straightened out.

Nancy is fixing chicken and rice for dinner. Sounds good.

The double vision continues. I will give the steroid pills one more week. I miss driving.
We watched Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn. It is a NZ show. We liked it.

Snow predicted for tonight. Temps will remain in mid 20s. I am looking forward to the return to winter.

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