Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday January 17, 2017

Blog time 0745 at Panera:

Note the early time for starting the blog. Today I have an 1100 Doctor's appointment so no time for normal morning activities. It was pouring rain so I did not want to walk to Panera.

Nancy has an early morning swim. She dropped me off at Panera.

I hope today's visit to the Doctor result in a solution for my double vision. I have also had some swallowing issues. I hope it is not the myasthenia gravis returning. On a happier note my cold is better.

Stay tuned for an afternoon health report. I am beginning to sound like an old man. No whining Bob!

Blog resumes at 1700.

After her swim Nancy stopped by Panera for a bagel and coffee.

It was still raining when we left Panera for home. If fact it rained all day with temps in the mid 30s.

We left home at 1000 for the Doctor's office. The nurse invited Nancy to sit in on the examination. It was a great move.

The Doctor gave me a good checkup. He not only checked out the double vision but also my problem swallowing. Nancy asked some good pointed questions that the Doctor answered to our satisfaction.

Bottom line it looks the eye problems and trouble swallowing are myasthenia gravis related.

Of the options I was given I decided on the low dose steroid option. Before starting the steroids the Doc wanted to make sure that I did not have some other problem. He ordered a blood test. After the visit we drove directly to the Lab. Results should be available tomorrow. If all clear he will call and I will start taking one pill a day. Stay tuned!

Nancy dropped me off at home and then drove to the Ford dealer for a six month's service.

I had lunch and then took a short nap.

PE Trump still dominates the USA and World news. He has everyone confused as to what he will do. I think most Americans are also confused. I just wish the nation decides to work together.

Nancy is fixing a chicken breast with sweet potato for dinner. Sounds good.

Will read the GRP and watch NCIS before turning in.

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