Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday January 29, 2017

Blog time: 1720, sitting in office

Nice to see winter return. The temperature all day as been in the high 20s. Snow started this afternoon and we now have a nice blanket of snow.

We both were up at 0630. Nancy decided that she would forego swimming one more day to make sure the surgery is totally healed. I agree.

This morning she removed the bandage and I think the surgeon did a great job. The scar is almost invisible.

We decided on the 0900 church service. Good attendance for a cold winters day.

After church we headed to Meijer's for some supplies. Trader Joe's and Fresh Tyme have cut into our purchases at Meijer's. Filled up the Escape and gas was $2.22 per gallon.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I bought a Fresh Baguette at Panera so I had several pieces.

Took Ms P on a walk around the block. Some folks put a jacket on their dogs when going outside. The only time I will use a jacket is if the temp is below 20.

I took some time today to read yesterday's WSJ and the headlines in today's London papers. President Trump's banning the entry of citizens of some Muslim countries is getting universal bad press. One paper called him Uncle Scram. We have lost the high moral ground with this action.

I did take a short nap this afternoon.

I am looking for an eyepatch that I can put over my glasses. Walked to Walgreens to see what they had. They had nothing.

Tonight Nancy is fixing clam chowder for dinner. I will also eat more of the baguette.

We will watch 60 Minutes, finish reading the GRP and then a Netflix show before turning in.

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