Sunday, January 29, 2017

Saturday January 28, 2017

Blog time: 1710 sitting in office.

Happy Birthday Melissa. Today is our daughter Melissa's birthday.

I remember the birth clearly. We were living in Ann Arbor where I was in Graduate School.

It was early Sunday morning when Nancy said it is time. It was a cold blustery day, not unlike today. Nancy grabbed her bag and we headed out to St Joseph Hospital. It was snowing and the windshield wipers in our VW Bug were not working. I had to stop the VW periodically to clean the windshield.

Nancy told me to forget the window wipers just get her to the hospital. We were met at the emergency entrance by two nurses who hustled Nancy up to Maternity. I parked the car and headed upstairs to the Delivery Room. As soon as I walked in the Doctor came out and said it was a girl.

I spent some time with Nancy and then headed home. I told Nana, Nancy's mother, and Debbie that we had an addition to the family. It was a happy day in the Scott house.

This morning Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. We walked into a 20 mph wind making the wind chill in the mid teens. Not very pleasant.

Panera was not crowded. I had the oatmeal with sourdough toast and Nancy had a bagel. With the wind at our back the walk home was tolerable.

Nancy had needed to visit Kohl's so she dropped me off at Woodland Mall. Sears is closing so I checked out their stock. Not much that I needed but if I was still working I might have bought some work clothes.

My only purchase was a shot glass at the Michigan store, Michigan the State not the U, and an iPad stylus at Brookstone.

We also stopped at the Lighting Center and bought several replacement bulbs.

Took Ms P on a short walk, 0.8 mi. It was just to cold for a longer walk.

Put in a new bulb in our hallway chandelier. The glass enclosure was dirty so I tried to clean it. Bad move, I broke the glass. Spent about a hour picking up broken glass.

Quick lunch and then took a short nap.

No time to read the papers today.

We FaceTimed Melissa and wished her a Happy Birthday.

For dinner we drove to JT's Pizza. We split a ham/pineapple pizza.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.

On a happy note, I was rummaging through some old letters that I wrote while in the Navy. Found two letters written on this date.

January 28, 1962, Ensign Scott wrote his mother from Midway Island. I told Mom of my job and like most junior officers I complained of my seniors. I also mentioned that a recent war scare was over. I really can not recall of a war scare in early 1962. I was sending Mom a check. The Navy paid us in cash. There was a branch of the Bank of Hawaii on Midway. I would make a deposit and then send a check home. I saved money on Midway because there was no place to spend it.

January 28, 1963, I was writing Mom from Coronado, CA. I had just completed a survival school. The 28th was a Monday and I expected to fly to San Francisco later that day. On Friday I was scheduled to fly to Vietnam.

I never imagined that on January 28, 1963 that five years later I would become a father. Best decision of my life was to marry Nancy and start a family.

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