Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Monday January 23, 2017

Blog time: 1130, sitting by the fireplace at Panera.

Another mild, wet day, temperatures in low 40s.

Normal January weather will return Thursday.

Nancy ended her convalescence from the face surgery today. She headed out early to MVP. Classmates at MVP said she should have stayed home until the stitches dissolve.

After breakfast I put on my raincoat and headed to the Y.

It appears the New Year's resolution folk are still following their MWF exercise routine. I expect this will end right after Valentines Day.

Folks on Morning Joe said President Trump had a terrible weekend. CNBC and Bloomberg hardly mentioned the weekend.

Left Panera early because the garage door opener tech is coming to check out our unit. Our remotes have been working only intermittently. First thing the tech noted was the wire antenna was hung up on the unit and not exposed as it should be. He then check both remotes. Only one was defective. I bought a new remote. After some thought I think that I am responsible for the antenna problem. I did not properly place it after changing the light bulb in the unit.

Took Ms P on her walk. We have had snow free pavements for the past week. It makes walking easy.

Lunch and then I headed down to my office. I spent over an hour call tech support folks at Direct TV and Engineering New Record. I had a major problem getting a real person at Direct TV. When I finally got one they said to go online because they could not help me.

Took a short nap followed by a light dinner. We watched a New Zealand detective show on Acorn before turning in.

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