Monday, January 23, 2017

Saturday January 21, 2017

Blog time 1400: sitting in office writing this blog.

Slept in until 0700 this morning. It was foggy but mild, 40 this morning.

We walked to Panera for our standard Saturday breakfast. Panera was empty of old folks. They are in warmer climes. Actually it is warmer in GR now than LA. 1400 temp was 60.

As soon as we got home I took Ms P on her walk and Nancy headed out to run errands.

Dropped Ms P off and headed out to walk to the Library. On my way I stopped at the bank to get some cash. Next stop was D&W to buy stamps and a birthday gift.

I decided that I did not want to go to Library so took a leisurely walk home. My phone said I walked 5.7 miles and 13,100 steps. Enough exercise for the day.

The sun is shining bright for the first time in ages. Did you know we have gained 35 minutes of daylight since Dec 21?

Speaking of hours of daylight I was just going through some Navy junk and I found on this date Midway has 10h32' of daylight vs 9h35' for GR.

I also found a letter I wrote my Dad on this date. I seldom wrote my Dad but I checked the letter and found that I was asking for some engineering advice. One of my duties on Midway was Transportation Officer. I was in charge of maintaining all mobile equipment. This included construction equipment, trucks including refuse trucks, and all sorts of aircraft support equipment. Dad sent me some great reference manuals.

We had an early dinner at Houlihan's. Houlihan's was not very busy. I like this restaurant but they should turn the lights on. It is very dark.

FaceTimed with Debbie this evening. San Jose is having a lot of rain. I think the drought in CA is over.

We watched Sneaky Pete on Amazon and then Rebus on Acorn.

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