Friday, January 20, 2017

Thursday January 19, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera.

Nancy set an early morning alarm. She has an appointment with a plastic surgeon to repair a skin cancer on her face. I gave her a good luck kiss.

This morning I started taking a steroid pill, hopefully to correct my double vision. Walked to the Y. Performed my routine at 50%. I also declared that my cold is over.

Lately, the first thing I read at Panera are the headlines in the London papers. I like the English view of the USA political scene. I also like reading how PM May is handling the BRexit. She seem an astute politician.

Our mild gloomy weather continues. It is now noon with temp at 38.

The confirmation hearings for Trump appointees is getting full coverage. How many folks really care?

Tomorrow is PE Trump's swearing in. This will be my fifteenth since I have been of voting age. I don't think I have watched any of the ceremonies.

As soon as I got home took Ms P on her walk. Nancy's surgery went fine but she is tired. In fact she laid down and took a nap.

Nancy's friend Kathi brought over dinner for us tonight. Kathi is a good friend.

The garage door man called and rescheduled. He is coming Monday afternoon.

We had Kathi's meal for dinner, chicken breast and a cooked spinach dish. Very good.

We watched the news and read the GRP before switching to Amazon/Acorn.

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