Thursday, January 19, 2017

Wednesday January 18, 2017

Started Blog on the 17th at 2135, checking out my new Logitech keyboard. It works great.

Blog time 0930, Wednesday January 18:

I spent a restless night and left bed at 0545. Today I will start new medication to eliminate my double vision and muscle pain, I hope.

Today was Breakfast Club Wednesday but it was foggy and misting outside so I didn't want to try driving with my current eye problems. The Doc yesterday said I could drive but be careful. I will cover one eye to eliminate the double vision.

Nancy headed to MVP for a fitness class. I walked to Panera and had my standard oatmeal breakfast.

The weather folks say we will experience a January thaw for the next week. Temps will be above freezing. Temps on Saturday and Sunday will be in the 50s. I hate this weather. It is bone chilling damp with no sun. I would prefer normal winter temperatures below freezing, hopefully with sun.

I don't agree with the President when he let Pvt Manning, the leaker of military files, get out of jail this Spring. He was a traitor.

The boycott of Trump's Inauguration by Democratic Legislators is not good for the healing process. The election is over and now is the time to come together. This bitterness is not good for anyone.

Nancy is working at the Meijer's Garden this afternoon. I doubt that they will be very busy with the lousy weather.

Took Ms P on her walk, took out the trash, lunch followed by a nap. The Doctors office called this afternoon and said my blood tests came back normal. Tomorrow I will start taking the steroids. I hope they can help the double vision.

Before going on our trip to CA, I put some gift cards in a safe place. Unfortunately I had trouble remembering my secret hiding place. I returned to the place I thought I stashed them and after an hour I found them in a wallet I had previously searched. Getting old sucks!

We had a light dinner followed by the NBC and PBS news. It is now 2100 and we are watching a British mystery on Acorn. It stars Colin Firth. Very good but depressing.

We are now watching Sneaky Pete on Amazon.

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