Saturday, January 21, 2017

Friday January 20, 2017

Blog time 1030 at Panera;

Yes folks today is Inauguration Day. Like it or not Donald Trump is now our POTUS. We should all wish him well.

Got up at 0630 and checked for rain when I took Ms P out. It was raining but not hard. The weather folks said it would rain all morning. I decided to do calisthenics and row at home.

Nancy's Doctor told her no activity for several days, so no MVP for her.

After a shower and shave, I had a quick breakfast which now includes my steroid pill.

Kim arrived to clean the house as I was leaving for Panera.

Encountered just a light rain on my walk to Panera.

Drank my coffee and read the papers. The Inauguration dominated the news.

The rain had stopped so the walk home was pleasant. As soon as I got home took Ms P on her walk. She enjoys this mild weather.

Nancy ran errands this afternoon and I took a nap.

At 1730 we drove to Moleski's for dinner. Tim Mask was also in attendance. We had a great meal and pleasant evening talking. We avoided talking politics.

Left Moleski's at 2100. Watched a show on Netflix before turning in.

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