Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Monday January 30, 2017

Blog time 1045, sitting by fireplace at Panera

It was cold last night with temps in mid teens. Just a dusting of snow overnight.

Nancy headed out early for her exercise class at MVP. I decided to do all my routine at home. It is too cold to walk the two miles to the Y.

The double vision still persists.

After breakfast I walked to Panera.

The London papers have articles on Trump's immigration EO. The papers all say the President should not be invited to visit the UK.

I think the refugee crisis would not be as bad as it is if the EU and USA had taken action like a no fly ban in Syria. But no one listens to me and why should they. After all, I believe in the draft to fill our Army's rank. I also believe that most of our military intervention overseas starting with Vietnam were not in the best interest of the USA.

Speaking of Syria the Daily Mail in an article this morning said that Assad of Syria recently had a stroke. Should I believe a story in the Daily Mail?

Russia is actively working on expanding its activities in the Arctic region. The Arctic is suppose to have a huge reservoir of hydrocarbons. Also as global warming continues year round use of the polar route by ships is possible. The northern passage is much shorter than the Suez Canal. I have never heard the USA's position on this buildup.

I got a text message from my optometrist saying my glasses are ready. Because of my double vision I had a pair of glasses modified. The left lens is for distance and the right is just clear glass. I do not need correction for reading. I hope that when driving my left eye will be the dominate eye and when reading the right eye takes over.

After I got the message I called Nancy and she picked me up at Panera. I wore the glasses this afternoon with mixed results.

Took Ms P on a long walk. With snow on the ground I noted a lot of large deer tracks

Quick lunch. Our winter property taxes are due next week. I walked over to the Township office and delivered our check.

Spent several hours in my office reading and contacting tech support at the web site My Heritage. I hate talking to tech support. I was on hold for 30 minutes. However, once I got in the nice folks answered all my questions.

Light dinner tonight. We watched the news and it is now 0800 and we are watching Paranoid on Netflix. We liked the first episode so we are watching the second.

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