Monday, January 23, 2017

Sunday January 22, 2017

Sunday January 22nd:

Sitting watching Sneaky Pete on Amazon, it is 2145.

Because of Nancy's recent surgery she cannot go swimming for a week. Accordingly, we changed our Sunday plans.

Headed out to Trinity Lutheran for their 0900 service. First time we attended this service. We drove through some heavy fog.

After church we head to Meijer's. Bought some supplies and then filled the Taurus up. Gas today was $2.26 per gallon.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After breakfast took Ms P on her walk. The fog was still very heavy.

Read a few sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.

Finished the afternoon with a three mile walk.

I talked this afternoon with my childhood friend Tommy Collins. Tommy now lives in San Clemente, CA. He has lived in CA since the late 50s. Always great to rehash memories of growing up in Alpena, MI.

For dinner Nancy fixed black bean soup and a burger. It was good.

One of the side effects of the steroid pill I am taking is the swelling of the tongue. I have difficulty swallowing so I really chew my food, which is good. I also have difficulty talking. After several minutes I start slurring my words, so I stop. Some folks would say limited talking by RHS is good.

Despite bad January weather I hope everyone is getting 30' outside every day. I have!

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