Monday, January 16, 2017

Sunday January 15, 2015

Blog time Sunday January 15, 2017 at 1725

Happy Birthday Debbie. I remember her birth clearly. It was Friday the 14th about 1700 when I drove Nancy to Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, CA.

As soon as Nancy got settled in I headed to an all night grocery to cash a check to pay for the delivery. I think the birth cost was about $100. I stayed with Nancy right until she was taken to the delivery room. In 1966 fathers had to wait in the waiting room. Debbie was born right after midnight. Nancy's first words were "she is a cute little girl". I remember the next morning I snuck in a chocolate covered donut for Nancy. She still comments on the delicious donut. Thus began my adventure as a father. It is a great experience.

We are still settling in from our short trip today CA. The following is a brief update.

Wednesday January 11, we were going to make this an easy day. Nancy woke me at 0600 and said "what is that hissing noice. I got up and when I looked in the guest bathroom water was shooting out of the tub area. I tried to find the cause but got soaked. Hustled downstairs and shut off all water to the house. Downstairs in the bath, water was flowing through the light fixtures and ceiling tile. We grabbed buckets and towels and started mopping up.

Initially I thought a line had ruptured behind a wall. I pictured extensive repairs and a stay at a motel.

Called McDonald Plumbing and they said a repair man would be over at 1000.

We drove to Panera for breakfast and a chance to use their bathroom.

The repairman arrived at 1000 and soon found the cause, a broken supply line. The line was exposed and took about 20 minutes to repair. We lucked out. If the break had happened while we were in CA the damage would have been massive. Next time we leave on a trip we will shut off water to the condo.

The double vision continues so I stayed home all day. Nancy did go to Book Club.

Thursday January 12: Rain/snow mix last night. Many schools closed because of ice.

I did walk to the Y. Took it easy, did the routine at 50%. Nancy went swimming at MVP.

Spent time at Panera reading the papers. I am getting tired reading about Russian hacking. The news media thinks we should take the word of the CIA as gospel. My experience is that they are borderline competent.

We made a paper supply trip to Costco.

The weather was cold and gloomy all day.

Ms P was dropped off today.

We had dinner at Shepard's Grill. Nancy had the soup and I had a lake perch sandwich.

Friday the 13th. Walked to the Y. Today I did the routine at 60%.

Stopped at Panera and read the papers. My double vision makes reading difficult. If I close one eye I can read. I bought an eye patch in CA and it works but I always forget it.

Took Ms P on her walk. She enjoyed the walk because the pavement was dry.

Nancy drove me to Woodland Mall. I bought a keyboard at the Apple Store. Meanwhile Nancy stopped at Kohls to make a return and then returned to the mall to pick me up.

Our last stop was Trader Joe's. Bought wine, $2 chuck, soup and tamales.

Quiet dinner at home, hot dogs, followed by some Netflix.

Saturday the 14th: back to normal, we walked to Panera for breakfast. The place was empty. Everyone must be in warmer climes.

Nancy did some laundry and I walked to Cascade Library to read the papers.

Walked Ms P and had a quick lunch before a nap.

Nancy said that the chili she made for dinner smelled bad. She thought maybe some bad meat.

We had dinner at LaLaguna at local restaurant not far from the condo. Good food at reasonable prices.

Watched some football. Nancy turned in early so I watched a French language show on Netflix. I don't mind the subtitles.

Sunday the 15th: Up at 0645 and get ready for the Y. Nancy went swimming and I did some calisthenics. In addition to my double vision I have developed a head cold so I am cutting back on exercise.

Stopped at home to drop off gym clothes and then headed to Trinity Lutheran for the 1000 service.

After church we stopped at Meijer's for supplies and gas. Gas was $2.41 a gallon.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine with a waffle.

Took Ms P on her walk. Great day for a walk. Almost Springlike.

Nap and then watched some football. Go Packers.

FaceTimed our birthday daughter, Debbie.

My cold continues unabated along with the double vision. I hope at Tuesday's appointment the Doctor can offer solutions to the double vision.

Nancy fixed a hamburger and soup for dinner.

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