Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wednesday January 25, 2017

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday. I slept in until 0700. Nancy is still forgoing exercise until the surgery heals.

The temperature last night still was above freezing. The weather folks say it will snow today but the temperature will be in the high 30s, go figure.

Walked to Panera and had an oatmeal breakfast. I took my steroid pill. Could I pass a sports drug test? The double vision still persists.

Read the headlines in the London papers. The UK is fascinated with President Trump and all his weird actions. I like the way PM May is handling BRexit. She is trying to talk Scotland out of another vote to leave the UK. I could never figure out why a tiny country like Scotland would want to leave? The Scots sometimes pursue self destructive actions. Maybe that is why my relatives left.

Panera seems to be a place where business is conducted. A lot of job interviews are held here. I know that because I am a first class eavesdropper.

A young lady wearing USAF camouflage uniform came in for coffee. I was curious as to her rank. She had an impressive patch. I asked her and she said she was a technical sergeant, E6. E6 is a first class Petty Officer in the Navy. E6 is a senior enlisted rank.

I asked about the camo uniform and she said it was the standard uniform. The USAF does not wear the blues or khaki of my generation. I think the Army has the same policy. I do not like a camouflage uniform. It looks sloppy.

Since I talked to the Sargent two more old guys asked her about her uniform and rank.

Light rain on my walk home. This morning Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop.

Before lunch I started a load of laundry, took out the trash and finished reading the papers.

I totally disagree with President Trump's order to build the wall along the Mexican border. I also think hiring 15,000 more Border Patrol is not cost effective. The last thing we need are more Federal employees. The most ineffective government employees.

The Beauty shop called at 1400 and said Ms P's work was done. I drove with Nancy to pick her up. They did a great job.

Continued calling tech support to get my subscription to ENR up and running. I talked to five different technicians. Not my department is the standard answer.

It is now 2000, time for Bob and Nancy to have their evening cheese snack. Tonight will be a streaming evening.

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