Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday January 16, 2017

Blog time 1215 sitting at my desk in office.

I have found an upside to my sleep apnea mask, it helps me breath when I have a head cold with a running nose.

I promised Nancy that I would sleep in but I was wide awake at 0600.

No aerobics today but I did the calisthenics at 50%.

Breakfast and then the short walk to Panera. Spent most of my time catching up on the blog.

Nancy called about 1000 and said the roads were icy. I left immediately. The walks were just getting slippery.

I walked to the condo and told Nancy I was in for the day. However, this pledge was short lived because Meijer's called and said my prescription for nose spray was ready. I need the nose spray to control my runny nose.

I did a load of laundry and spent some time cleaning my desk. Quick lunch and then a short nap.

Nancy had a Doctors appointment this afternoon. She is got a shot in her foot for pain relief.

I spent some time reading the WSJ. Will PE Trump ever get enough discipline to control his impulsive Twitter messages? Most politicians I know have developed the hide of an alligator. Insults just roll off their backs. He should develop the philosophy of "kill them with kindness".

It has rained most of the day, slick pavements are predicted for tomorrow morning.

Light dinner tonight and then some Netflix/Acorn/Amazon watching.

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