Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Tuesday January 31, 2017

Blog time 1045 at Panera

We had several inches of snow overnight. The Condo contractor had our drive and walks shoveled by 0700.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim at MVP. First time in pool in several weeks.

I did all my routine at home today. After the workout, I showered and ate a quick breakfast.

This morning we are defrosting our freezer. Nancy got home about 0900 and we started emptying the freezer. We put the frozen food in baskets and set them outside. They will be outside for about four hours. Must check periodically to make sure some critter does not find the food.

The ice buildup should be melted in several hours. Nancy was surprised at how little ice buildup there was. The freezer at Mackinaw would have serious buildup.

Speaking of freezers in my youth household freezers did not exist. We rented a locker at a store that specialized in storage of frozen food. The store was called Alpena Sharp Freeze. The lockers were in a big insulated room with a constant temperature of about 10.

My Grandfather raised beef cattle so periodically we were given half a cow. My mother would go to the Sharp Freeze and oversee the butchering of the cow. The butcher was Star Glomski. Mother would get T bone steaks, roast beef cuts, other special cuts and the rest would be ground up. The cuts would be wrapped in brown freezer paper, labeled and placed in the locker.

Whenever we needed some beef Mother would tell me to go the sharp freeze and get some ground beef or steaks. I would get the key from the store clerk and enter the coldest room in the world. I hated going into the freezer room. And that folks was the way it was in the 40s and early 50s.

The morning business shows were fixated on the poor showing of Under Armor. They did not meet expectations and you would have thought it was the end of the world. Good grief who worries about sweat pants?

Also this morning several folks defended Trump's Immigration EO. Their defense actually made sense.

Last day of January and the snow removal folks have their act together. Tahoe Drive was plowed as were all the sidewalks in our neighborhood.

The London papers are all about BRexit and Trump. Problems in the Middle East and the EU take a back seat.

I think President Trump was right to fire the Acting AG. The AG works for the President and should not try to bypass his orders. If you don't agree resign or be fired.

Senator John McCain and I are on the same wave length.

I am not on the same wave length as former President Obama. His tweeting about the actions of the current President are out of line. HIs predecessors went out of their way to not comment on current events.

When I got home I thought I would spend some time helping Nancy put the food back in the freezer. Surprise she had already put the food back.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on her walk. It was snowing and blowing and we walked at a fast pace. Dropped Ms P off and then continued my walk. My super-duper Apple Watch said I walked a total of 6.2 miles today.

I did take a short nap. It is now 1800 and I am sitting in the living room drinking wine and continue writing this blog.

Nancy is fixing soup and a fruit dish for dinner.

This evening will watch the news and read the GRP. On TV will watch the only network shows that we watch NCIS and Bull. Surprise the President bumped our favorite shows off air by taking time to announce his Supreme Court appointee.

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