Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday February 3, 2017

Blog time 1045 at Panera:

Brr! Another cold morning with temps in the teens and wind chill near zero. Becoming more prudent in my in my old age. I decided to do the exercise routine at home and forego the two mile walk to the Y.

After my row I showered, shaved, dressed in warm clothes and had breakfast. Nancy got home from her class at 0930 just as I was leaving for my walk to Panera.

Checked the London papers and today was kind of a fluff day for them. They do enjoy mocking President Trump. I think the POTUS might be his own worst enemy.

As soon I finish reading the papers I will walk home. Nancy and I have errands to run this afternoon. Breton Village will be our first stop. Nancy will visit Talbots's and I head to Orvis. I have an Orvis gift card that Debbie gave me for Christmas and it is burning a hole in my pocket.

The double vision continues. The steroids so far have not helped. Only in an emergency will I drive.

At Orvis I bought a shirt jacket. Nancy came up empty at Talbots's.

Next stop was Trader Joe's. Bought some Two Buck Chuck, tamales, eggs and soup. Trader Joe's was very busy.

I took a short nap. Light dinner and then Nancy and I headed to the GR Art Museum for their exhibit of local collectibles. The exhibit was well attended.

It is now 2140 and we just finished watching Scandal on Netflix. Nancy liked it, I did not.

Another cold night but tomorrow like today will be sunny. Sunny is good.

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