Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday February 17, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera:

Temps got below freezing last night. It was 30 when I got on the bike and headed to the Y.

Last night will be the last with freezing temps for the next week. Daily high temps will be in the 50s. Good grief and it is still February.

The London papers bring a different slant to events in the US. However, after yesterdays press conference the consensus is that POTUS is unstable. However he is meeting with the press and taking all questions, something President Obama never did.

The EU chair says that European NATO countries must not cave in to US demands that they pay more for defense. They say it would hurt their budgets. So the US must bear most of the cost. I say scale back and let the chips fall. We cannot defend Europe alone.

I also found out that a Spanish princess was found innocent of fraud. Tony Blair says it is not to late to repeal BRexist, fat chance. The royal family of Luxembourg is getting a divorce. The Pope said ban cell phones at the dinner table. The Pope is the only sane one in the crowd.

Everyday at the Y I talk to a UM alum and his wife also a UM grad. He graduated in 1954 so I assumed he was 84. He started a conversation today telling me abut UM's big BB victory over UW. I asked him his home town and it was Beria, OH. He did not start UM after HS because of WW II. He was in the Navy for both WW II and Korea. He is not 84 but 91. Spry and alert at 91, my role model.

Blog resumes at 1955:

Quick lunch and then we headed out to Rivertown Crossing Mall. Nancy visited Yonkers and I spent some time at Dick's Sporting Goods and Eddie Bauer. Nothing purchased.

At home I took Ms P on a long walk. Get day for a walk, sunny with 50 degree temperature.

Nancy fixed tamales for dinner tonight. Love tamales!

We are presently watching Jeopardy. It looks like a Netflix evening.

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