Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday February 28, 2017

Blog time 1110 at Panera:

It was raining this morning when I first went out. I decided no Y today.

Calisthenics and a row followed by a shower before breakfast. I called my Neurologist and asked for guidance on the steroid pills. They are not working and I would be happy if he told me to stop.

Nancy headed out at 0830 to take Ms P to the Vet.

It had stopped raining when I head out so I got on the bike and pedaled to Panera. I read the London papers and Alpena News and found no article I want to comment on.

This is the last day of February and according to the Channel 8 weather man this is our warmest February on record. In 2015 we had the coldest February on record.

What is going on, United is lowering rates for the summer, and Fidelity is lowering brokerage fees. Is it competition? I just wish United would give us more leg room. I think Index funds are hurting brokers.

I am at odds with POTUS over immigration and his defense budget. I have always been pro immigration and think we should allow folks in who can fill an open position, be it farm workers or software engineers. The fight with Mexico is not in our best interest. I am also a free trader.

Tonight we get to listen to the President. I think most Federal agencies are bloated. We spend more on Defense than any other country. We spend $595B while China spends $214B. Russia only spends $91B. Remember Ike's warning about theMilitary/Industrial complex. Ike was great.

POTUS also has to develop a thicker skin. All the attacks on folks who criticize him is unseemly.

After Panera I rode my bike around the neighborhood to check things out. It was mild, high 40s, with just a light mist. Good bike weather for the end of February.

Nancy said the Vet gave Ms P a good checkup. It appears she has back problems. She is on strong medication. No walks for a week. Missy told us that because of Ms P's dachshund lineage she would be prone to back trouble.

Nancy, Ms P and Bob can now be called "the lame, the halt and the blind".

Before lunch I took a two mile walk. After lunch I sat in living room and finished reading the papers on my iPad. I also read an article in Nat Geo on Vikings. It was interesting. I have read several books by Bernard Cornwell about the Vikings in Britain. I am also watching a Netflix series on Vikings in Britain based on a Cornwell book.

Nancy is fixing a chicken breast with dressing and sweet potato for dinner. We will watch the news and finish reading today's GRP. Maybe some TV before the President's speech.

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