Thursday, March 2, 2017

Wednesday March 1, 2017

Blog time 2120 sitting in den

The weather folks consider March 1 the start of Spring. It was spring like when I headed out to breakfast club this morning. The temperature was 51. It is now 2130 and the temp has dropped to 27 degrees with high winds and snow.

Today was breakfast club Wednesday. Small turnout for a good program. Today a company that provides horses as therapy for kids with serious emotional problems.

After BC I head to Breton Village. I have a quick coffee at Starbucks waiting for Orvis to open. Today I ordered a pair of khakis.

Stopped at the Y for modified calisthenics and a mile run.

I got a call from the Ocular Neurologist. They want me to continue taking the steroids.

The cataract surgeon's office called and told me to come in on Monday for an evaluation.

As soon as I got home I had a quick lunch. Ms P seems to be getting better. She is able to climb stairs.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. The Butterfly exhibit is in full swing.

At 1400 I drove to my ENT. I wanted him to look at my sinuses. He used his super duper scope and said I have a polyp. He wanted to put me on high dose steroids. I explained that I was taking steroids for my double vision. The ENT doc will call my Ocular Neurologist and come up with a program.

During my conversation with the ENT doctor I explained that I was using a CPAC machine for my sleep Apnea. The Doc asked what my Apnea evaluation showed. I told him I didn't have a clue. Through the miracle of computerized medical records he called up my evaluation. It appears the when I sleep on my side, left or right, I am ok. When I sleep on my back I have mild Apnea. Bottom line if I don't sleep on my back I don''t need the CPAC.

While filling out a form in the ENT's office I inadvertently called my Sister in AZ. Later she called and I explained my adventures with the medical profession.

At home I took a short nap followed by a two mile walk. Light dinner, watched the news and then Acorn.

Finally last night's speech by the President was presidential. All the folks at BC said they were glad he was mellow. I hope cooler heads tell him the Mexican wall is much to expensive and counter productive. Why not just have a beer with the Mexican President and work things out.

I scanned the papers today. Trump's speech and BRexit dominated the London papers.

With a temperature of 51 at 0600 and 27 at 2200, did March come in like a lamb or a lion?

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