Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sunday March 26, 2017

Weekend Update: 1700 sitting in office

We had rain most of the weekend. I was able to get a two mile walk outside on both Saturday and Sunday. Temps were in the 40s most of the daylight hours.

Saturday morning the rain required us to drive to breakfast. We drove to Nonna'a in Ada. This is a small Euro style cafe. We both had their oatmeal with toast. It was very good but pricey. They have a liquor permit so we might come some nice warm day and sit outside.

As soon as we got home I grabbed my backpack and drove to the Y. My double vision is gone so driving is easy. The Y has a nice .2 mile walking track. I walked two miles. My Apple Watch "indoor walk" function does not work well inside.

Saturday afternoon we attended a memorial service for an old neighbor at Grace Episcopal. Tom Pritz passed last week, he was 92 years old. It is sad but the only time we get to see old friends is at a funeral. Our old neighbors the Hess's, Kirkwood's, Ruth Molenaar and John Mitchell were in attendance.

We had a chance to meet all of Tom Pritz's children and grandchildren. Tom would be very proud of his family. Eric Pritz lives in Ithaca, NY and his son attends Cornell. He is about 6' 7" and is on Cornell's crew team. Tom Jr lives in Cedar Rapids, IA and Mary Ann lives in the Detroit area. The oldest Polly lives in Florida. A great family.

A nice feature of the service was a bagpiper. I told Nancy I want a bagpiper at my funeral and he must play Amazing Grace.

Light dinner: we watched some BB and the news. We watched Quantico on Netflix. It is a piece of politically correct garbage. It is so far removed from real world that I am surprised it survived a season. I gave it a F.


Today we attended the 0900 Celebration Service at Trinity Lutheran. No swimming at the Y. I like the informal Celebration Services. They have two each Sunday at 0900 and 1000. Traditional services are at 0800 and 1100.

We bought supplies and gas at Meijer's. It was raining but not hard when we got home. I put on my rain suit and took a two mile walk. Light lunch and then my mandatory Sunday nap.

Spend time in the office checking finances and cleaning up my IN basket. I also called my Sister, Helen, asking her advise. Helen had cataract surgery in both eyes. She had one eye fixed for distance and the other for reading. She recommended I get both eyes for distance. I tend to agree.

Nancy is fixing a Steak and Stout Pie from Traders Joe's for dinner. Love these pies.

Will finish reading the GRP and will watch 60 Minutes before turning in.

Quick update on Grandkids.

Steve and Veronica kids: Lucas had the lead role in a school play , his sister Alessandra is on a Cheer Team that recently placed first.

Melissa' daughter Akerke was named Student of the Month at her school.

Everything is up to date in California.

Think Spring!

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