Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday March 10, 2017

Blog time: 1045 at Panera

Winter has returned with a vengeance. Temps in low 20s last night but with winds around 20 mph the wind chill is in single digits. I think I have become obsessed with wind chill. My Grandfather Scott owned lumber camps in northern Minnesota during the early 1900s. He never allowed a thermometer in the camps. His reasoning was that the lumberjack would not work if it was too cold. Good strategy Grandfather.

No bike today and with wind chills I did not want the long walk to the Y. I did my entire routine at home. I left for Panera in bright sunshine. To prevent my left eye getting too cold I wore an eyepatch. It seemed to work.

Nancy has a busy day today. She will visited the foot doctor and hopes he will declare the broken bone has healed. If healed she can take off the miserable boot. She also has an appointment with our GP to renew her blood pressure medicine.

Speaking of medicine today I increased my dosage of steroids. I hope this works because it has been over a month and my double vision has not improved.

Tonight Nancy and I will celebrate the removal of the boot by dining out at a nice restaurant.

The London papers did not have much hard news but were heavy in low brow stories. Wife cuts off husband's penis, parakeet attacks lizard and python swallows deer. Washing machines in India have a curry button to get rid of stains. All the news that is fit to print.

The USA is in a pickle on which side to back in battle for Raqqa, Syria. Do we go with the Turks or Kurds they both are allies.

The money folks are worried because we have a glut of oil. From a consumers point of view what is bad about cheap oil and gas?

I had the wind at my back on the walk home. It was still cold.

Nancy was still wearing her boot. The Doctor said she has to ween herself off the boot. One hour off today, two hours tomorrow, etc.

Nancy left at 1300 for the appointment with our GP. She checked out ok.

I spent several hours printing out 1099 tax forms. I had to call Wells Fargo and have them walk me through the procedure for getting these forms. I finally was able to print.

As soon as Nancy got home we headed out to Trader Joe's. Purchased wine, tamales, flowers, chips and yogurt.

Tonight we are heading out to Brann's for a soup and sandwich.

Today we have 11h 42' of daylight. Right now, 1700, we have bright sun but the high winds have dropped the wind chill to single digits.

How about the UM BB team, overtime victory over Purdue.

Tonight we will watch Murder in Suburbia on Acorn.
Missy texted me and said she has been selected for jury duty. First family member to make it to trial.

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