Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday March 20, 2017

Blog time: 1115 at Panera

It is official. Today is the first day of Spring. Checked my world clock of cities around the world and they all have 12 hours of daylight. I think most folks call this the Spring Equinox.

We had a big electrical storm roll through last night. The weather app on my iPhone kept sending alarms about lighting within five miles. The alarm kept waking us. I will disconnect today.

Nancy is attending her first exercise class in about a month at MVP this morning. Later she is having some extensive dental work done.

After breakfast I got out the bike and headed to the Y. The temperature was 38 with little wind. Usually the Y is crowded on Mondays but today was the exception.

Today will be my last day for calisthenics for about two weeks. No exercise allowed after cataract surgery.

Checked the Alpena and London papers but not much to report on.

The Philippines President has called all European lawmakers who have criticized him "crazies". So what is new. He called President Obama the "son of a whore". He and President Trump probably went to the same charm school.

I am having second thoughts about turning off the weather app. Despite the annoyance of an alarm for a thunder storm I want an alarm for a tornado so we can get to the basement.

Checked Peggy Noonan's column in Saturday's WSJ. She is right on. POTUS and the GOP are wasting valuable time and political capital by trying to undo the ACA. It is too complicated. Spend time on infrastructure improvements and getting folks back to work.

Biked home and then loaded the bike in the Escape and headed to Ada Bike. I am getting the winter tires removed and a tuneup.

Lunch and then cleaned my office. I moved all my family history files into the office. Since I will be home bound I plan on doing some updating.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk. Last month I asked the Grandkids a question. AJ was the only one who replied so I mailed her prize.

Shaved, showered and laid out clothes for tomorrow. My surgery starts at 0800.

We had a light dinner and now are watching new "Midsomer Murders".

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