Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Blog time: 1120 at Panera

Temps in mid 40s and cloudy when I headed out this morning. Took a seven mile route to the Y.

Calisthenics this morning at 30%. No problem.

The London papers had this shocking fact. Jeremy Corbyn the head of the Labor Party is less popular than our POTUS.

Japan a non violent country with only self defense forces now wants to develop first strike capabilities to offset the threat from North Korea. China should worry about an armed Japan.

Every day the London papers have articles about how incompetent their NHS is. Take note friends of single payer plans.

Report on a man in Indonesia who was swallowed by a python , complete with photos.

The upside to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. A huge exclusion area was developed around the plant. People stay out but animals did not get the memo. Animals not seen in decades have returned. European Bison, moose, bears, lynx, wild horses and wolves have returned. No six legged mammals were noted.

On these cold damp days I have turned to wool to stay warm. Nothing beats wool.

Read the WSJ but it found nothing that caught my interest.

Finally Ms P felt like walking today. We walked an easy mile with no apparent discomfort.

After lunch I was going to take a very short nap. Reclined in the easy chair in the den and slept over an hour. Bummer!

Spent time In the office doing mundane chores. We did get a call from out tax preparer and she said this year we get a refund.

I called the provider of my sleep apnea machine about a bill. The cost of supplies is paid by Medicare. Next month I will be the proud owner of the machine. I told the representative that I have not been using the machine because I must wear an eye patch to bed. The eye patch conflicts with the machine's nose piece. She said no problem or penalty.

Nancy is fixing meatloaf for dinner tonight. Sounds good. We will also start eating our last loaf of Irish Soda Bread. This bread is too die for. Of course it is loaded with sugar.

Speaking of diet, etc I was surprised that during the past week of rest my weight has remained the same. SOS is a great, painless diet.

Tonight is our CBS evening. NCIS and Bull.

Tomorrow I meet again with the cataract surgeon. He will schedule my surgery for the right eye.

Also tomorrow I have BC and tomorrow night Nancy and I are attending a Lenten Soup dinner.

Stay tuned.

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