Sunday, March 5, 2017

Saturday March 4, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera:

As predicted the temps fell to mid teens last night. We left home at 0800 in bright sun. Today had breakfast at a new Coney Island restaurant on 28th Street. Nancy had heard that they had a good breakfast. They were right.

I had eggs, hash brown, sausage and toast. Nancy had their pancake breakfast. A good basic breakfast at a reasonable price. Their weekday specials are even cheaper. I am sure they get a lot of snow plow drivers and repair men for this menu. Oatmeal is not something you would order at this type of restaurant.

After breakfast we headed to Trader Joe's. We bought flowers, wine and a baguette. Trader Joe's has been open about a year and seems to have thrived.

Read the London papers but they recycled stories reported on earlier in the week. My Mother always said that the Saturday papers did not have interesting stories because the papers were saving them for the big Sunday paper.

Speaking of my Mother today is her birthday. Margaret Louise Hughes was born March 4, 1907. She would have been 110 years old today. Mother graduated from Alpena High in 1924 and UM in 1928. She and Dad, Robert Sanborn Scott, were married in 1936. I have great memories of Mother. Did you know that in 1936 married women could teach?

At home Nancy started the laundry and I grabbed my iPad and headed to Panera. I like Panera because it is warm and bright.

Today's WSJ:
EFT funds are booming because they provide good results and have low fees. Brokers and mutual funds take it in the ear.

The PM of South Africa is proposing that all white farms be seized with no compensation. SA has an election coming up and this looks like standard election ploy. The memory of Nelson Mandela must have faded. I think Mandela was a great leader because when assuming power he united SA and made peace with the oppressive minority. This is a sign of a great leader.

China is finally letting failed firms go bankrupt. Bankruptcy is necessary in a market economy.

Took a long route home. Lunch and then spent several hours doing chores around the house.

Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk. Nancy fixed beef/potato soup for dinner. I had mine with a baguette.

We watched two episodes of Paranoia before turning in.

A sure sign Spring has arrived. I see large flocks of Robins.

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