Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday March 13, 2017

Blog time 1111 at Panera

It started snowing early this morning. First time out this morning noted about 1.5" of white stuff on the ground.

No bike today because of the snow and it is still dark at 0800. Thanks DST.

It was snowing when I walked to the Y. Luckily not much wind. The walks had not yet been plowed so the walk took some effort.

Calisthenics and then a 10' row at the Y. I think I have already commented on the nice new rowing machines at the Y.

Checked the Alpena News and London papers. I think these folks are taking a winter break.

The GOP is having a hard time fixing the ACA. They are even fighting among themselves. Not a good sign.

I really wish they would forget ACA for awhile and concentrate on getting the economy running and fixing the tax code. This morning on CNBC they had Ken Langone one of the founders of Home Depot on. He gave a reasoned explanation on why the Border tax would be good. He convinced me.

POTUS should also forget about the wall along the Mexican border.

It was still snowing when I left Panera. I put an eye patch over my left eye because I was walking into the wind. The patch helps.

Nancy had lunch at the Omelette Shop today. This is the monthly get together of the Blodgett Gift volunteers.

We made a quick trip to Costco. Nancy picked up a prescription and I bought wine and dried plums. Prunes if you are over 50.

I called Direct TV and scheduled a repairman. He is coming tomorrow.

We received more 1099s in today's mail. Tomorrow I will assemble all the data for our tax preparer.

It is now 1700 and will finish the afternoon with a walk around the block. Stay tuned.

It was still snowing when I headed out for my walk. Roads were plowed but not sidewalks.

Light dinner and then some TV news. We watched an episode of The Pinkerton on Netflix. The show was rated at 4 stars but Nancy and I gave it a 1. Bad show!

Two more days of below freezing temps and then back to normal. Normal high temps are in the 40s.

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