Sunday, March 12, 2017

Saturday March 11, 2017

Blog time 1055 sitting in Cascade Library:

Bright sun when went out this morning but was it cold, mid teens, with wind chill in single digits.

We drove to Panera and had our standard Saturday breakfast. Panera was not crowded most folks have been told to not return from sunny climes until it warms up.

Nancy is doing the laundry. I grabbed my iPad and walked to the Library.

President Erdogan of Turkey is back in news with his comment about Dutch being Nazi remnants. Apparently the Dutch government would not allow the Turkish Foreign minister permission to attend a rally. The rally was for Dutch citizens who also are citizens of Turkey. These citizens can vote in the upcoming Turkish election and Erdogan needs their vote.

The British National Health service again made the news. The Service is so backed up that surgery to replace a hip or knee is only being done on those in pain. In the US this surgery is done with just a short waiting period for all comers.

I took the long route home. I think walking is my favorite year round activity.

Quick lunch and then printed out some 1099 forms for taxes. Walked over to Meijer's to pick up a prescription. I have to use eye drops before and after my cataract surgery.

We had chicken noodle soup for dinner. Great cold day fare.

We watched a 90 minute mystery on Acorn last night. It was good.

How about the UM BB team.

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