Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday March 27, 2017

Blog time 1125 at Panera

The rain stopped this morning but when I headed out on my bike I encountered fog and mist. I cut my bike ride short because of the moisture. First time on my bike in a week.

Tomorrow I will start limited calisthenics. Today I just walked two miles.

Nancy's foot pain has returned. She has started wearing her boot. She is trying to get an appointment with the foot doc.

Speaking of doctors I have been calling my optical Neurologist and telling him the double vision has been gone for a week. I want to get off the steroids.

Quiet news day in London. BRexit still dominates the news. I was surprised that the London papers did not report on the disturbances in Russia.

Defeat of GOP's attempt to abolish the ACA dominates the US news. The Freedom Caucus really does not understand that a democracy requires compromises just like a marriage.

I like my bike without the snow tires. It turns easier and rolls better. I was thinking of getting a 29er but I will stick with the bad boy. It has all the features I want and what an old man needs. Safety is important.

After lunch I started chores. Load of laundry, shined shoes, did some personal grooming, filled out a Cascade Twp tax form, wrote the invocation for BC, and printed a copy of a document I bought in Ireland relating to the Hughes family.

Light dinner and then at 1830 we head out to Meijer's Garden for their member get together. Light snack were provided. Nancy and I also had a glass of wine.

We met Jackie and Jeff Hartman. Nancy and Jackie worked at Blodgett Gift Shop. The Hartman's are from Midland. Jeff played football at Wyoming for my old high school coach. Good time.

For years I have been a subscriber to Canoe and Kayak magazine. Today I was told that C&K is no longer being published. In its place they sent me a copy of SUP. I guess SUP stands for stand up paddling. I scanned the magazine. I would never on my own buy this magazine.

I got my 30 minutes in today did you.

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