Thursday, March 16, 2017

Wednesday March 15, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Starbucks in Woodland Mall.

Beware of the Ides of March. Everyone has heard this statement, usually after reading Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in high school English.

Today at BC we got an Ides warning. The rent for the BC is doubling as is the cost of food. The cost increase is unacceptable to members. A committee has done a search of available places to hold our meetings. The first choice is a long distance from the condo. I think most of the folks at my table would give up their membership. Big vote at next meeting.

It was cold this morning, 16, but the sun is now out.

Bob and Nancy have a busy day. I had BC and Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. This evening we are going to a Lenten soup dinner at Trinity. We are also on the cleanup committee.

Not much in the London papers this morning. Scotland is having second thoughts about leaving the UK. It seems the EU has said Scotland will go to the back of the line.

President Trump's 2005 tax return was obtained. According to The Telegraph, MSNBC reported on the return on the Rachel Maddow show. The big question did MSNBC's reporting on the return break the law. Was the return obtained illegally or did POTUS leak it?

I stopped by the Apple Store to see if they had a stylus/pen for use on my iPad. They did not.

Stopped at FedEx/Kinko to get a copy run of a document I purchased in Ireland about the Hughes family. I can not copy it at home because it is too large. Kinko refused to copy it because it was copyrighted. I guess I will have to do a cut and paste job at home. I wanted to send a copy to my 2nd Cousin Mary Hughes. She has a big interest in the Hughes family.

Next stop was the Ford dealer to see if I could get a hitch installed on the Escape. They said yes. I need the hitch for my bike carrier.

At Gazelle I wanted to buy an ice breaker long sleeve shirt. These shirts are 100% wool and very warm and comfortable. No luck.

Tried to take Ms P on a short walk but she was reluctant so I headed out on a two mile walk. The wind made walking uncomfortable.

The soups at the Lenten dinner were many and varied. I sampled several. Nancy and I were on the cleanup crew. After cleanup we attended the short Lenten service.

At home we watched Major Crimes on TNT.

Temps will get down to mid teens tonight. Warm up starts tomorrow.

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