Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thursday March 2, 2017

Blog time: 1045 at Panera

We had snow and high winds roll through last night. I went out about 2200 and found that our trash can had blown over and was moving down the street. I rescued it and moved it to a safe location. Temps were in the low 20s this morning. A thin sheet of ice over the walk. I got out the salt for the first time in 2017.

Because of the cold temps and high wind, 15 mph, I did my exercise routine at home. Showered, breakfast and then a slow walk to Panera. A thin layer of ice was over the sidewalks making me walk on the grass.

I think the London papers are tired of reporting on the USA political scene.

The morning business shows were all abuzz about Snap's IPO this morning. I don't even know what Snap does. I think it is an app. Is the word app in the dictionary?

I still don't understand "Net Neutrality".

Elections in Germany, France and the Netherlands this year could have a major impact on EU. The populist movements are not unlike those in USA. I still I have commented on this before. Repeating is boring.

It was still cold and windy when I left Panera but the sun had melted the ice off the sidewalks. Walking was easy.

At home we all piled in the Escape and headed to Costco. We replenished our supply of peanut butter, sandwich rolls, and fiber. Gas was $2.29 per gallon. Today's WSJ had an article on how Costco seems to be bucking the trend in reduced sales at other retailers. Costco is thriving.

We also stopped at the Chow Hound to buy some dry dog food. I bought a bag of corn on the cob to feed the deer. I noted a lot of deer prints in the snow this morning.

After lunch I did a load of laundry and then took a two mile walk. Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

Light dinner tonight and then will read the GRP and watch the news. We recorded an episode of Major Crimes and will watch that this evening. The cold will continue through tomorrow.

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