Thursday, March 23, 2017

Wednesday March 22, 2017

Blog time 1035 at Panera:

Busy morning scheduled for today. Got up at 0630, it was clear but the temp was 19, heading for a high of only 37.

Performed some chores this morning that I usually do later in the day. Emptied dishwasher, took out recycles and trash. I had a 0830 appointment with the eye doctor. Nancy insisted that she drive. Today they took the eye patch off and checked my vision. My left eye has nearly 20/20 vision and it should improve as the eye heals.

I still take eye drops four times a day for the next week. Also must wear a patch at night so I don't rub eye. I can walk but no calisthenics for a week. I have a follow up appointment next Wednesday. The Doctor will schedule surgery for my right eye at this time.

Presently my double vision is gone. I don't know if it will return but I am staying positive.

Checked my email, read the Alpena News and London papers.

Gibraltar is a UK colony and its status is shaky since BRexit.

Articles in London papers quoted SofS Tillerson as saying he did not want the job but his wife said it was his duty. Good advise. One of the sane folks in the administration.

I always thought Greenwich Mean Time was the world standard for time. In military time is was called Zulu and all correspondence gave the GMT or Zulu time. Surprise on Mar 26 the UK will switch to DST. Will this confuse world clocks?

London papers also reported on a former Trump advisor, Manafort, being paid by a Russian mogul for advise on how to deal with EU and USA companies. The contract was in the early 2000s. Manafort was fired by Trump early in his campaign.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. I did a load of laundry and took a short nap. Ms P still recovering from her hip injury and cannot walk.

At 1630 our power went out. We contacted Consumers and was told power would not be back on until early tomorrow morning.

Our neighbor Sonya stopped by to use our cell phone to call her kids. Our landlines were not working. We offered Sonya a glass of wine and she accepted. We visited for several hours. Sonya like Nancy is a graduate of Albion. Sonya graduated in 1954.

We had a late dinner. With DST it does not get dark until 2000. We had enough daylight to eat.

We put an extra blanket on the bed and at 2030 turned in. We were lucky both our iPads were fully charged.

Just like the Power Company said the power came on at 0130. It was cold outside, 25, and I immediately turned on my electric blanket. Love my electric blanket.

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