Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Monday March 6, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera:

Good grief it was 50 degrees this morning. I did not know how to dress for my bike ride to the Y. I overdressed and was drenched in sweat when I got to the Y.

I have selected a bike route that has several large hills. My thinking is that if I can elevate my heart rate on the bike I don't need the mile run. Checked my pulse on the ride and it was elevated enough for me, so no mile run. My new warm weather routine.

Checked the London papers and of course they are fascinated by the machinations of our POTUS. Most of us old folks are just embarrassed. Cool it POTUS.

The elections in France are getting a lot of coverage. In fact last night 60 Minutes had a segment on the upcoming election.

Sign that times have changed even in proper England. A picture in the Daily Mail showed PM May leaving church. She was wearing her Burberry and jeans.

Ms P continues to improve. We took a short walk this afternoon.

This afternoon Nancy drove me to the Cataract Surgeons office for an evaluation. The evaluation took 2.5 hours. Many folks looked at my eyes. Bottom line: I will have cataract surgery in both eyes. First the left eye and then two week later the right eye.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

Light dinner and then we watched a Netflix show.

It was 57 degrees and raining when we turned in at 2200.

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