Friday, March 17, 2017

Thursday March 16, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera:

Temperatures dropped to mid teens last night. However, for the first time in ages we had no wind. In fact wind speed was listed as 0.

Nancy headed out early for a swim at MVP. After the swim she is having brunch with Kathi Kothe.

I did my exercise routine at home. Today I set a PB for a 10 minute row. However, I forgot to push start on my watch's row option. Bummer.

I got a call from the jeweler yesterday that he had just received a call from Rolex. They no longer make parts for my 50 year old watch. Another Bummer.

Nancy subscribes to Vanity Fair so we get their daily email blog called "The Hive". It is the epitome of nastiness. Their anti-Trump rants are an insult to journalism.

The Dutch election shows that cool heads prevail. I hope this holds true for the other elections in Europe this year.

The threat of a nuclear war must be strong in England. Read an article on how to survive an attack. In the late 50s I attended a class on "sheltered design". This design was to protect occupants of buildings from radiation. I became certified in Shelter Design.

President Trump is a big fan of President Andrew Jackson. Jackson was a populist but also a racist. He was responsible for moving Native Americans out of the south.

The Robins have been in hiding during our recent cold snap. I hear them but cannot see them. I think they keep warm in dense foliage. Are Robins carnivorous? I never see them at a bird feeder.

After Panera walked to Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.

Took Ms P on our nature walk and she enjoyed the longer walk. I think her back problem has finally healed.

Spent the afternoon ironing pants, getting our tax info together and rearranging my desk. Nancy and I decided to continue to use Jerry Dykema's old firm to do our taxes.

We had dinner at Shepard's Grill. I had a fried perch sandwich and Nancy had their soup of the day. I really like Shepard's Grill it has a neighborhood feel. Nancy is lukewarm.

At home we watched two episodes of "Last Tango In Halifax" on Netflix. Nancy liked it and I gave it an ok.

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