Friday, March 10, 2017

Thursday March 9, 2017

Blog time: 1210 at Panera

Got a late start today, so I hustled through the at home stuff and did not head out until 0900.

The wind had subsided this morning. Every one was busy putting out their trash cans. The cans were kept inside because of the high winds.

Temps in the low 30s when I headed out. I am still trying to figure out my biking wardrobe on these cool mornings. Yesterday's high winds left a lot of flotsam across the bike path. I had to dismount to get around a tree and later in the ride to avoid a downed electric line. Cleanup will probably take several days.

On these cold mornings when riding into the wind my left eye experiences pain. I think tomorrow I will experiment with wearing an eye patch to protect the eye.

The London papers recently been reporting on the failures of the UK's socialized medicine program. Very long waits to get in to see a GP is a major complaint. When reading or hearing about medical care overseas, including Canada, our system does not seem so bad. Making changes to the ACA to make it less complicated and more user friendly is important. I strongly believe everyone should have health insurance including healthy folks.

The Telegraph had an article on the proposed appointment of Jon Huntsman to be ambassador to Russia. I think this would be a good choice. I voted for Huntsman when he ran for President.

The political kickbacks that a Brazilian Contractor paid to Latin American Politicians is exposing corruption throughout South America. It seems all politicians are on the take.

Is North Korea a threat? They seem to be antagonistic to all their neighbors.

Turkey has a large number of its citizens living in Germany. They hold dual citizenship and are eligible to vote in the upcoming Turkish election. Several German cities object to the rallies the Turks are proposing. Turkey's President Erdogan has called the Germans Nazis which is not going over well in Germany. President Erdogan is acting like a dictator.

Quick lunch and then we get in the Taurus and run some errands. Stopped at the CU so Nancy could make a deposit. We purchased gas at Meijer's for the Taurus.

Took Ms P on a short walk and then continued walking solo. Total miles walked 2.9 miles.

Started assembling tax information. Called my GP to make an appointment. I have to have a pre operation physical before the cataract surgery. Seems like a make work project for GPs.

Light dinner and then we watched a Canadian mystery on Acorn. The mystery was filmed in a rural community in Quebec during the height of the fall colors. Scenery was speculated.

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