Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tuesday March 7, 2017

Blog time 1200 at Panera:

We had thunder storms roll through last night. The temp was 57 when I first went out this morning. Wind speeds were 26 mph. Just checked, 1200, and found the temp had dropped to 44.

As I mentioned previously I am now on my Summer schedule. More bike miles and no mile run. I think biking is easier on the joints.

As soon as I got settled at Panera got a call from the cataract Surgeon's office. I will have my left eye done on March 21 and the right eye on April 4.

Read the London papers this morning, several interesting articles.

Homes in the UK are more expensive when near good schools. Duh!

I have talked about POTUS keeping his promise and deport bad immigrants. I want the Canadian geese deported to Canada.

Cambridge University in England also has a bad Canadian geese problems and they want to cull their flocks. The students are in an uproar because Geese have feelings too. They are protesting the removal of any geese. The administration should shoot the geese and serve them in University cafeteria.

Speaking of culled animals, in the 50s strawberry farmers in Alpena were given permission to shoot the deer eating the young strawberry plants. The deer were turned over to the school cafeteria. We had venison for weeks. Very tasty.

I have watched the TV show Madame Secretary several times. I really think it is bad. Read where the Philippine Government has protested this week's episode because it is based on a fictional President who resembles the current President. I don't blame the Philippines for their outrage. CBS should cancel the show. I hope in real life we never have a Secretary of State as sanctimonious as the one played in this stupid show.

Good Opinion piece in today's WSJ noting the success children of immigrants are having in science and other contests. Bottom line immigration is good for the country.

GM has finally sold it Opel brand. We owned an Opel station wagon in the 60s. It was a great car.

I am gradually increasing Ms P's walk. Today we did 1 mile.

Walked to Macatawa to make a deposit. The wind was fierce. In fact we have a High Wind Advisory up until 1900 tomorrow.

Tonight will read the GRP and watch NCIS and Bull. Last night we watched several good shows on Netflix, Nancy is fixing a lamb chop for dinner.

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