Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday March 23, 2017

Blog time: 1000 at Panera

First thing this morning I had to reset most clocks because of our power outage last night. It was cold this morning, low 20s. I checked the long range forecast and the low temp for the next week will be above 32. Maybe this morning will be our last below freezing temp until fall. I hope so.

Nancy went swimming this morning. I had breakfast and walked to Panera.

The only story in the London papers dealt with the terror attack yesterday in London. I really don't know how you can control these lone wolf attacks.

The GOP is having a hard time getting discipline in their ranks. Will they end up being the do nothing party?

My double vision still has not returned. This morning I checked my old eyeglasses and found a pair of sun glasses. I had these glasses made when I wore a contact only in my left eye. I used the natural right eye for reading. Exactly the condition I have today. The sun glasses have a clear left eye and a distance glass in the right eye. Great for driving.

This afternoon Nancy and I drove to Ada to pick up my bike. Nancy does not like me to drive.

After we picked up the bike we drove to Sam's Club. We bought Pinconning cheese and peanut butter. Peanut Butter is slightly cheaper at Sam's Club vs Costco.

Lunch and then a short walk.

In several minutes we are heading out for dinner. We will pick up Kathi Kothe and head to the Matchbox. The Matchbox is a new restaurant located on Lake Drive at the old Brandywine. We have eaten there before and it was good.

Food and wine at the Matchbox is still good. It is our new favorite restaurant. I had their white fish with mashed potatoes. Both Nancy and Kathi had soup with an appetizer,

We watched another episode of Midsomer Murders. Actually Nancy watched because I slept through the whole 90 minute show.

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