Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday March 21, 2017

Blog time: 1710 sitting in office.

Temps were slightly above freezing when Bob and Nancy left this morning at 0715.

We stopped at Panera so Nancy could get a coffee. She will need it because she will be sitting in the waiting room while I have my cataract surgery.

The Eye Center runs like a well oiled machine. The place was packed when we arrived at 0800.

I checked in, paid my copay and then got out the iPad and read some papers. Nancy also had her iPad.

Twenty minutes after arrival I was taken to the prep room. They wired me up and briefed me on the procedure. They did not put me completely under. I could hear background noise.

I was wheeled into the operating room and eight minutes later they were done. Yes folks eight minutes. The cataract in the left eye is gone and I now have a new lens that should give me 20/20 vision.

They put a metal eye patch over my left eye. The patch has small holes in it so I have limited vision. The patch comes off tomorrow morning. The patch is necessary so I don't rub my eye. No exercises for five days. However, I can walk all I want which is good.

I took it easy at home all day. I did read the papers and took a short nap.

Last night I watched some of the FBI Director's testimony before congress. The questioning was so partisan that I was embarrassed. Both sides should be ashamed. The citizens deserve better. The confirmation hearing of the Supreme nominee was not much better.

Growing up I did not notice the nastiness of politicians. I knew the Dems and GOP had differences but they seemed civil. My theory on why they got along is because they all shared a common bond, MILITARY SERVICE. Today's politicians have never served and have contact only with their homogeneous districts. For a greater USA, bring back the draft. The military is a great mixing bowl.

Nancy is fixing soup for tonight. I will also have fruit and a baguette. Doc says no wine until tomorrow.

We had sunshine all day with high temp of 45. Temps will get down to low 20s tonight but sunny with high 30s tomorrow. I can live with that. Today I did not get my 30 minutes but I have an excused absence.

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