Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sunday February 12, 2017

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room drinking wine:

We really slept in today, 0730. Nancy's foot prevents swimming. I did spend 10 minutes on the rowing machine. I use the machine to elevate my heart rate. The experts say us old folks should elevate our heart rates every day. Ten minutes is enough.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs this morning. Lately we have been having our meals with straw/blue and black berries. The fresh berries are from Peru. I hope POTUS does not stop the importation of fruit.

We attended the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran. Immediately after the service we helped set up the tables in the Community room. Today church members are packing 19,000 meals for kids. Each package consists of soy meal, spices, beans and rice. Each package is sealed. The meal is prepared by placing the mix in boiling water. I was impressed with the program and can see where it would be a life saver after a natural disaster in places like Haiti. We spent two hours filling packages. Over 100 folks helped.

We stopped at Meijer's and bought some supplies.

Quick lunch and then I took Ms P on a long walk. The wind was fierce, weather folks said it was above 40 mph. Luckily the temp was in the high 30s.

I took my mandatory Sunday nap late today.

Nancy fixed soup and hot dogs for dinner. It was tasty.

We are now watching 60 Minutes. We will finish reading the GRP and then a Netflix/Acorn show.

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